Worked three days during this report period and took a week of vacation and two days of compensatory time off. One week of vacation time remains accrued. Wrote purchase order for truck mounted highway sweeper. Called for and posted Fin Com meeting for year end action. Wrote instructions to accountant for crediting MEMA money. Updated FRCOG directory information for FY11. Submitted notice for town hall insulation project to Central Register. Answered inquiries regarding town hall painting contracting. Responses are due July 1 by 5 pm. Followed up on McNamara police fire accident insurance. Got renewal without changes and without lapse in coverage. The previously proposed coverage was for only five years. This policy reverts to this year's terms, until age 70. Premium same as last year. Conferred with town counsel on several matters. Submitted letter of instruction to housing authority on rehabilitation loan. Met with summer youth employment councilor and youth applicants. Interviewed broadband installer applicants. Recommended Les and Terry for permanent hiring. Cemetery Commission recommends hiring as permanent part time employees George Roaf as mower at $14.50 and Cody Ross as trimmer at $11.25