Coordinator Report June 24, 2010 The board needs to make some additional appointments. These include: Crockery Committee: Patricia Ernest; Helen Whipple ZBA: Miryam Williamson, alternate (three years) Recreation committee: Jessica Foote There will likely be some additions to the Pond Beach committee. I am aware of one individual already. Highway superintendent requests the board approve Chapter 90 paving projects on White Rd, Flower Hill, and Leland Hill. Total cost for the three roads is almost $140,000. This will leave us with almost $100,000 in uncommitted grant funding in FY11. Simplex Grinnell started work on June 24 on the WCS sprinkler system. They were on site the day after school was over. Work involves verification that the structure is built according to drawings, figuring access to various areas, and engineering. We have a new US flag for Fellows memorial and have installed the MA state flag that was purchased by the Guild at the Veteran's Memorial flagpole. I am in contact with MTC to figure out where to get the needed repair parts for the solar lighting whose footlights were damaged. The unused chimney has been taken down through the roof and the carpentry completed. Next step on town hall renovations is re-pointing and sealing the rear chimney. This work is coming in under budget. The BEC has agreed with me that the chimney that was reconstructed in 1992 only needs to be weather sealed. And they have agreed that we can leave the existing roof and put the new roof on top of it. We will use ice seal in the valleys and drip edge for added protection. The town will buy the material and we will bid the labor component. The solar farm meeting has not happened yet. I am in communication with the interested firm and they have indicated that aggregating residential demand though not their usual business case is of interest, especially if we do the work. I spoke at some length with Mr. Keller, Wendell Selectman who is active the N. Quabbin cooperative initiative, a part of Hands Across North Quabbin. Based on this conversation there are two things I am pursuing. One is sub-regional police mutual aid, the other the sharing of equipment, especially highway equipment. I will consult with our police chief about the local aid. We do it with fire and disaster already. The equipment sharing has identified a bucket truck and wood chipper as needs. Following up on this I consulted with our highway superintendent, Tim, who is not opposed to developing a method to share our diesel, powered chipper. I envision re-creating a machinery account so that revenues generated can be segregated and plowed back into expenses and replacement cost. That will require future Town Meeting action. If we get to larger items like a road grader we'd supply with an operator. Broadband finances. The board's package this week includes the income statement for the enterprise. It shows almost $22k in net income. Subtract $4k of system equipment which my bookkeeping considers "capital" and you get a good snapshot of financial performance. I am sticking by my projection of $16k in net income for the year by the end of the fiscal year June 30. Highway personnel. I met with Tim and a recently disciplined employee in a re-entry interview. The employee decided not to accept the pay cut and instead take unemployment and as well indicated his intention to file a grievance with the personnel committee. I represented that we would not be replacing the worker until either his case is settled or we face winter snow removal. Tim was able to quickly respond to a complaint about soft road tar on Shepardson Rd. the contractor was on site same day to treat the surface under warranty with an application of sand. If you can't be good be lucky. The broadband borrowing authorized at STM has been accomplished by way of a one year renewable note with Unibank at 1.5% interest. The retirement of school debt happened on schedule and the town received a check for $68k. FRCOG conducted elevator bids and I accepted ours which is at a substantial savings contingent upon getting out of the five-year contract with Bay State. The contract isn't legal as we needed a TM vote to contract for more than three years. We will see.