Met with summer youth employment applicant. Conferred with parent of potential participants. Met with broadband consultants at Mt Grace site. Delivered battery back up power supply. Required grounding work completed. Conversation with Janice K regarding fuel oil consumption. She contacted Sandri and is tracking consumption. Made an agreement and documented with Mars Co for payment to Warwick Broadband for library broadband access. Charley E and I relocated the solar array lighting the flag and Veterans monument. We moved it to the side. Charley and Patty got some flowers to decorate Fellows Memorial and the spot where the collector was located before the Memorial Day observance. Changed the flag to half mast for Monday official holiday and Friday May 29, 2009 which is to honor a fallen firefighter. Updated broadband install list. Conversation with resident seeking title V certificate. Relayed to BOH. Forwarded BOH food policy to webmaster. Offered advice on renewing godaddy hosting service. Supplied webmaster with access information to begin to use the domain. Set up email accounts on that domain for police chief and officers. Studied practices of Wireless Internet Service Providers (Wisps) and satellite TV distributors regarding contractor installations. The franchises often provide coverage to maintain consistency. Were we to use contractors, we'd want to establish that they are truly independent contractors if we go that route, that the Town is not circumventing employment law, and guard against unlikely but possible blow back in case of a claim or suit arising from a contractor installation. I entered in discussions with Massamont Insurance agent regarding Town carrying insurance on contractors. They say it can't be done and not in their business plan to provide it as they are municipal only. I think the best scenario is that we use employees, pay them on a contractor basis, and then we are covered. Employer costs for the town are workers compensation, and unemployment insurance. Less than 6% in the aggregate.%. Approved release of electrical contractor check as we have passed inspection and have power at cell tower. Prepared for Selectboard meeting. Consulted with PD regarding play structure, fierce dogs, and big bashes. Set up appointment with Mike N to work on WCS phone system voice mail. Consulted with access plus regarding GPS timing. Put bright orange sign on piano conditioner cord saying do not unplug. Added four names to broadband install list. Appropriated acceptable use policy for broadband and sent to committee for comment. Documented equipment actual costs for committee. Notified town officials of governor / secretary event in New Salem. Attended Broadband institute show in New Salem. Discussed Warwick's project with Sen. Rosenburg and Pioneer / Berkshire Connect staff. Updated signage to promote Memorial Day Observance. Authorized replacement sign for historic mileage marker. Conversation with Janice K regarding fuel oil documentation. Requested encumbrance forms of accountant for Highway and others who didn't meet min contracted fuel or diesel buy. Coordinated with MSP for tower work. Approved purchase and executed purchase order for dugout fences on Fellows field. Discussed finance committee appointment with prospect and with Moderator. Discussed legal billing with Dupere. Got encumbrance forms from Accountant. Met with Tim and Accountant regarding ice emergency FEMA expenditures and revenues regarding gravel contract. These repairs will happen in next couple of weeks. Repair paving of Orange Rd will occur after superintendent's time off during June. Discussed details of trench permitting with Tim. Have application on hand. I will assist him with this duty he does not want. State has lots of details to work out. Had Rosa begin research on board voted policies and contact reappointees to make sure of willingness to be appointed. Met with a resident on a building permit and occupancy certificate matter and referred to inspector. Posted meetings and meeting changes. Received letter from MEMA regarding VT Yankee disbursements. We are going to have to receive this grant to the town's account and transfer it to the Fireman's Association by vote. Received corrections to Town Report from Library Trustee to include with copy to State Library and Town Clerk record.