Coordinator Report May 27, 2010 Cemetery Commission has reorganized and they request the Selectboard appoint Jeffrey Joyce Burial Agent. Warwick among other towns voted to participate in the WiredWest fiber project. The Broadband committee requests that Reva Reck be appointed our representative. We have yet to identify a nominee as alternate. Suggest we take a first step by appointing Reva. The Town closed on the purchase of the Moore's Pond beach this week. The Open Space committee requests that the Selectboard declare the two old wooden sheds surplus property so they may be removed from the lot. Once this is voted I will auction them on eBay and require a deposit for their removal by a date certain. Also need a surplus property declaration of a multi function HP printer scanner that quit working on the BOH. I am selling donated satellite Internet modems on eBay to benefit the Library and Historical Society. So far about $200 has been raised from this. Building and Energy Committee have prioritized addressing the town hall chimneys as the next step. I am seeking quotes on removal and consequent carpentry of the one chimney as separate from the pointing and flashing of the "live" chimneys. Once these are done we can replace the roof and then add the solar array. The Open Space committee asked for phone poles and guardrail to help define the boundaries of the Moore's Pond beach and a need for some fill is anticipated. Highway Dept. has the old poles and has straight guardrail available but not curved. Fill is not a problem. Tim had to acquire Jersey barriers to secure the guardrail that was damaged across box culvert. He is investigating repair options for that box culvert which most of us would call a bridge. I have ordered Selectmen's and Finance Committee handbooks from MMA. Rick Abbott has joined the Finance Committee. They will meet prior to the Special Town Meeting to make recommendations on the three warrant articles. Cabot Risk Management has proposed an acceptable coverage for our "McNamara" police and fire accident coverage in line with our budget and with higher levels of coverage. The premium is going from $3825 last year to $4,206. The death benefit increases from $250k to $500k. We budgeted for a $900 increase. Broadband borrowing STM articles are to rescind the original borrowing authority because the recording of the vote was flawed and replace it with a proper vote. This time the amount of borrowing is lowered to $30k as we have paid off $10k from revenues generated. Truck purchase was approved by Town Meeting. I regret the over-ride article caused some confusion among some votes who either believed this was their chance to nix the purchase or supported the acquisition and weren't aware of the vote. The vote to buy the truck was not a contingent vote as some prior truck purchases were structured. The over-ride was only to give the Town some "room" with the levy limit in future years. The truck is ordered. Forest gate project is nearing completion. Posts are in place and gate will be in place in a few days. Solar on landfill - we were contacted by a firm investigating sites for solar electric on closed landfills. They are to contact me for more information. Also a company has been looking around for sites to locate wood mono pole cell infrastructure to extend NH cellular phone networks. The mounting base on one of the solar lights on Memorial and flag was damaged. The lights are heavy and have been falling off the bases and now one appears to have been hit by a vehicle, mower or vandalized. I capped the electrical connections. One of the two still functions and lights the monument. I'll repair or get the other light repaired. Notice of Special Town Meeting is being provided by mailing postcards to all households and the warrant and a piece I wrote on subject of additional WCS sprinkler system borrowing was included in the June newsletter. It reads as follows: Overview - in 2006 the sprinkler system failed, froze, thawed and caused extensive water damage to the school. After some wrangling, the contractor agreed to repair the system. The town hired an engineer to oversee the repairs. Once restored, the system failed on several more occasions. The school had it repaired several times but eventually all but the portion serving the gym had to be shut off to prevent further property damage. Our insurer preferred this to more property damage. Do we really need to fix it? The Selectboard asked that we seek a waiver from having to have a system since had we built the school a year earlier we wouldn't have been required to have one and the design with exterior doors in all classrooms met earlier code. After a lot or research we learned that there is no appeal process available to us. We have a system and it has to work. Can't we get the contractor to pay for it? The contractor took a turn at fixing it and has since has gone belly up. Insurance covered the water damage but not the installation. Where are we now? The Town voted $70k which is our best estimate of the cost to repair what was installed. Unsure of exactly what is the best way to address the problem we sought technical proposals through a public bid process. After studying the proposals and interviewing the firms involved everybody agreed that repairing the leaking branch piping was a bad bet. The price proposal for the preferred solution came in at $196k and does not include carpentry repairs to the walls and ceilings. What are our options? 1. Accept the Simplex Grinnell proposal and try and negotiate the price down. Using plastic pipe which has a ten year warranty would lower the cost about $20k. If they want the work badly enough they might lower their price on a steel pipe installation. 2. We contract with them to do design and create biddable documents and then price bid the job for construction next summer. 3. Spend the $70k on having the existing piping systematically gone through, properly pitched, and the leaks patched. This work would come with a one year warranty. 4. Use the voted $70k to make piecemeal repairs starting now until the money is gone in a few years. Why are we being asked for more money? Substantial replacement of the branch piping is the best solution. The Selectboard is reluctant to spend a portion of the $70k the voters approved with an expectation of completing the project when that can't happen. So we are coming back for additional borrowing authority before we take a first step. What happens if we wait 'till next summer to build? Competition by price bidding might bring down the cost. However the price of metal fittings and pipe is going up 5% a month. So far plastic, though more expensive isn't. Plastic pipe lowers the labor cost. What if we vote this down? We are under an order to repair. We have to address this. Town Meeting and the electorate have given the go ahead on $70k. If we can't do it the best way we have to make repairs in a short sighted manner.