Coordinator Report May 13, 2010 Conservation Commission has some vacancies. Karro Frost asks that Ann Kendall and Gregory Brodsky be appointed. Sprinkler - The Town received two proposals for the WCS sprinkler system. One was to repair the existing "dry" portion of the system. It offered a one year warranty. Our bid documents specified a two year warranty. The repair proposal is from the company that has a contract with the school district and who have knowledge of and have repaired the system on two occasions in the past. The other proposal was submitted by Simplex Grinnell and is to replace the branch lines and employ a "wet" system in heated areas and dry system only in unheated attic, etc. We learned from interviews that water in a dry system becomes very corrosive to metal because of the compressed air super oxygenating the water. There are groves in the installed branch pipe joints that hold water even when properly pitched. I assembled an ad hoc committee consisting of myself, Jim Toth, Rick Abbott, and Les Goodman to read and review the proposals. We interviewed both firms and unanimously agreed that the technical proposal to substantially replace the dry system with a wet one was superior. Having selected the SimplexGrinnell proposal we opened their price proposal. It was for $196,000. After considerable discussion the committee recommends that we go back out to bid to see if we can bring the price down. The committee requested that I write a "word picture" for a scope of services and go back out to bid. I have a better idea. I propose that we engage Simplex to write a biddable scope narrative, project specifications, so hydraulic calculations and generate biddable plans so we can go to bid for a general contractor. They gave us a 10 to 15% break out for design in the interview. I negotiated a price of $27,600 for this engineering. With that in hand we can go for a price bid. Demolition of the portions of the system to be removed is a substantial expense ($20 - $25k). I am looking into having portions of the system that is to be re-used capped so that what must be removed might be done by town employees as force account to lower costs. I'll continue to investigate this which will have to be approved by the fire chief. It could cut the demolition cost in half. There are some other technical matters we can refine and possibly save some money. One is assessing and saving sprinkler mains in the existing design. Another is using CPVC piping on branch lines. The materials are a little more costly but steel is going up fast and we might see 10-15% labor cost savings. We'd be then using plastic in areas that are the most labor intensive to install. The fittings and pipe are rated at 250 psi. A matter that I didn't include in the bid is carpentry / drywall repair. We'll have to figure on that expense whether at prevailing wage as part of the bid or as an additional contract. WCS - the Community School got a grant and received a fifteen foot tall disease resistant elm tree. They want to know if they need our permission to plant it. Once that is decided I'll ask the highway department to assist with the town backhoe. WBS - After having some success with targeted post card marketing for broadband we did the first town wide post card blitz last week. It resulted in two firm orders and six other inquiries. Next month we will be increasing our bandwidth buy to 10Mbts which will get us back to industry standard for bandwidth behind each customer of about 1Mbts / ten users. We will be re-provisioning the cell tower which has previously been acting as a substation of one of the mountain's access points. I am in discussion with the Housing Authority regarding reprogramming some CDBG repaid grant money to supporting low income residents' access to our broadband system. Is the board supportive? You may have seen news reports that Mass Tech Collaborative and DCR have signed a MOA that allows the Collaborative to locate wireless broadband equipment on fire towers across the state. This comes out of a long process that began about the time we signed our agreement with DCR. Looks like the Collaborative will own the equipment and allowing competing WISPs (Wireless Internet Service Providers) on them. This is basically our model. I hope the Broadband Institute will be implementing something soon on the matter of wireless last mile because their not doing so is hindering adoption in New Salem and Wendell among others. Nobody in the business wants to begin serving an area only to have their competitor subsidized. I propose we schedule a special town meeting for June 7 at 7 pm so we can address the broadband borrowing errors. These were: 1. not borrowing externally and then 2. finding that the documentation in the minutes does not reflect a 2/3 vote as required. This will add $37k to free cash for next year.