Coordinator Report April 17, 2008 Policy Questions for Friday's Selectboard Meeting: Do we want retiree spouse health insurance coverage? The Town has never considered it. If wanted we will need an article accepting MGL 32B Sec 9D. I have the language. Do we want to follow DOR suggestion and adopt Enterprise Account for Transfer Sta.? I have written the article and it is acceptable to counsel. It is included in the current draft of the Warrant. We should include PVRS Capital items. Northfield is likely to vote them down. If they do they are not funded. I moved them to articles and out of omnibus budget after a conversation with the Superintendent. Do we recommend against them? The board had voted to recommend 98% of PVRS budget per Mr. Raymond's presentation and request. However, the school does not have the sort of reserves thought to have. The school has made an effort and made cuts. Does the BOS want to stay with this recommendation even as the underlying analysis was flawed? In the past we have voted money to an account / fund to pay for audits. Do we want to add an article to do this? In a previous budget iteration I had put in $5k. The Fin Com wants to put $25k into Capital $tab so even without an earmark we could consider this covered by the appropriation. The important thing is the discipline of setting aside money someplace to cover the expense so we don't get whacked all at once down the road. If we follow that logic, do we want to vote $3k to assessor's revaluation account, which I have included? Chris suggests it might be able to come from assessor's overlay surplus. Article 9: Cap $tab to new truck could have an "alternately" clause and make it possible to lower the highway machinery repair by $10k. I think a line of inquiry by Jim Toth at the last meeting suggest this is perhaps a bad idea depending on timing of the purchase. Some feeling by some Fin Com members that we NOT make a down payment on the truck. We could word article so any "excess" of truck repair appropriation is directed to down payment; that amount and a trade-in will lower the borrowing. First payment will be due in FY10 Report: Got overlay amount from accountant. Assessors need to vote an amount for TM to vote to transfer. Corresponded with Chris Ryan who will set up a meeting for early next week. Likely we could vote $10,000 from this to the general fund. And if there is more we could bring it to fund the revaluation article. Ordered hosted voice mail for Town Hall. This will cost $31 / month for auto attendant at front end, call processing, and seven voice mailboxes. The fax line will be shared with Treasurer's data line and the old data line will be dedicated to line one on the alarm. We will delete $4 / month charges for white pages listing charges saving $16 toward the above cost. And we won't have to add a line for the Building Inspector at a cost of $30 / month. BOH and others will have voice mail, which will be accessible from out of the office as well as within. Contacted PVRS Superintendent with Fincom question about capital requests. These can be articles instead of omnibus budget items. I moved them there. Got BOH chair to release Cap $tab in amount of $5k to un-appropriated as project is complete and funds not any longer needed. Reviewed FD budget, capital budget and DCR grant request. I printed postcards for the Town Meeting notification mailing and purchased postage. These will go out next week to each household with voters. Developed "best case" budget reflecting an increased state grant to the Community School bond debt. This is going to be adjusted before we set the tax rate next fall and will lower the tax rate by more than a dollar. Moved three donated file cabinets into Town Hall to be used for older record storage so room can be made in the Board Meeting Room for Building Inspector to establish an office. He will get a voice mailbox in the new system. Met with FinCom to refine money articles and budget. Slated Town Hall uses coming up are use of kitchen, children's art show, church use for tag sale, Dinner Theater, Candidate Meet and Greet, and children's piano recital. Some of these uses are concurrent with others so had to coordinate users. Met with Moderator for look at Warrant. He asked that I confirm the adjournment date. I did so with FinCom and BOS. We will meet again after the Warrant is ready for posting and will include Ted Cady to plan the approach for zoning changes. Attended STAM meeting on highway grants. Got to the meeting too early and got to hear people complain about the trench digging regulations. Not a lot of money in the grants and the applicant pool for Small Town grants was expanded from 3500 to 7000 population. Drafted highway truck debt exclusion question for election for the Selectboard to vote to place on the ballot. I reviewed warrant with Town Counsel including some articles that need to be considered for their policy implications. Things the Board needs to consider are listed at the top of this report. Referred a FRCOG Highway map to planning board for comment. Followed up by getting another copy of the Emergency management map so they can comment on that data layer. Thanks to Ryan at FRCOG GIS dept. Nick reported to me that he spoke with one key Unitarian Universalist Society Trustee who is enthusiastic about the prospect of placing cell phone antenna in the church belfry. That is very encouraging of our prospect for Warwick wireless Internet and eventual cell phone coverage. I visited the Town Clock while under repair and have heard the striker tested on two days in the past weeks. It sounds good to have it ring-able. The town treasurer submitted his resignation today. He is leaving to take a FT job as CFO at Pete's Tire Barns. He starts this Monday. Processed payment requests that included same day turn-around to D'Avanza final clock repair bill. Thanks to Janice, Accountant. George reports striker mechanism is now functional. Had a conversation with our EMD re: handling of VT Yankee payments. Used to go to Fire Assoc. but state has been wiring to Town account. Need to create a fund or not for profit to handle this grant. Forwarded maps from Historical Society to Dodson Associates for Heritage Landscape project.