Coordinator Report April 1, 2010 We will have someone from Building and Energy Committee to explain the committee's town meeting budget requests to the board at the next meeting. BEC are requesting $52,170 for town hall upgrades including: Chimney repair/removal 6,500 Full re-roofing 40,000 New storm windows 4,670 Window sash restoration (phase 1 of 5) 1,000 Total $52,170 There is a $10,000 appropriation to the Warwick Community School Improvement Account included in the warrant. This is for exterior painting to prevent any future water damage and for other landlord's building repair / improvements. The previously voted $5000 annual appropriation is not enough for a several million dollar town owned structure. The Building and Energy Committee is in addition proposing an amount of $10,000 to hire a building system analyst/energy auditor for the Warwick Community School. This would enable us to act in effect, as our own ESCO. To realize savings the district agreement would need to change so each town would be responsible for its own operating and maintenance costs on the elementary schools. This requested amount is not currently in the warrant or budget spreadsheet. The WCS sprinkler bid process began with publication of the procurement on March 24. To date three firms have been supplied packages. The bidder site visit is scheduled for April 8 and bids are due April 26th. The Board of Health has no candidate for election. Rita has declined to run so she can pursue full-time employment as a health agent. She is half time with one town already. That plus elected BOH look like a full plate to potential employers. I ran advertisements and posting Transfer station attendant job openings. We have four potential applicants. As in past the BOH will nominate individuals for Selectboard appointment. Rita got us a $2400 refund for some billing errors at the transfer station. I am working on identifying a willing write-in candidate. Jeff J. didn't submit papers for election to Cemetery Commission. I checked with him and he is willing to serve if elected on a write-in. One of our highway employees hopes to return to work after being out sick. Until we get the paperwork we won't know if he has been out under provision of Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). We will have an independent "fit for duty" exam conducted at our expense provided his doctor clears him to return. I forwarded notes to Tim regarding mandatory use of safety gear by employees based on my conversations with our insurer's risk mitigation department and review of worker safety regulations. We were surveyed by a WPI student on green communities. I replied that we aren't going there because we don't permit big development by right. I engaged Brian Miner for the spring Town Park / common clean up. He will prune the crab apple near the flagpole so the new US flag won't be damaged. All of this will be done by the time you read this report. Several more departments have town email accounts. These now include At my request Tim attended a briefing by MEMA about flood plans. We may have had one in the past but nobody has any records. He has done research and found prior votes by the Town and flood maps. Tim is proceeding with getting recognition of our maps and plan. This has implications for resident's ability to buy federal flood insurance, and our Town's ability to get flood disaster relief. Chairman Arguimbau is working of a Selectboard Corporate Speech resolution in response to the recent Supreme Court decision is support of corporate money in politics. I argued against a town meeting article on this matter of national law. We come together for town meeting to find agreement about local matters. Expressing these differences doesn't enhance our sense of community or make it any easier to find common ground in local matters. **Fire Department intends to sell as surplus the Ford Pumper - Tanker. Gunnar thinks this was purchased by the Association. Since we have no idea how it is titled I think it best that we declare it surplus in case the town's name found its way on to the title. It is registered as part of the Town's fleet. The ZBA budget submitted included an increase of $500 for clerical help to process applications. I have determined that this can be funded from fees via the annual Revolving Fund authorization. There is about $700 in the account at this date. Chairman J. Dibble agreed to take this off their budget request with the understanding that the revolving fund can assist with clerical burden of the ZBA. **Fuel bids for diesel and fuel oil were submitted to the FRCOG. We are bidding fixed price in the amounts of 6k for diesel and 4k for fuel oil. Four years ago our fuel oil purchase was 9500 gallons. The contract calls for us purchasing 100% of our bid. I am looking for a vote authorizing me to enter into this contract on my discretion. We will have three days to make a decision and lock a price. Les Black is assisting the Open Space Committee in negotiating a contingent buy sell agreement for the Moore's Pond beach. Mary Williamson is seeking pledges of contributed funds to provide for an operating budget to pay for the water testing and to assist with the purchase price. She expects to be able to raise at least $5k which will help address the operating costs and can supplement the purchase price. The $13k we are asking of town meeting is the appraised value. Finance Committee is meeting weekly. By the time we post the warrant we hope the Selectboard and Finance Committee will be jointly recommending the warrant as posted. They are on-board for a new town hall roof and defer to the BEC on priorities. PVRS voted in support of Warwick's early payment of bonded school debt. The committee voted a "level funded" budget proposal which means, due to increased Warwick student enrollment, an approximate $16k increase in our assessment. Regarding an elevator maintenance cooperative bid, I submitted our data to become part of the FRCOG elevator contract when we get out of our current contract. The contract we signed isn't legal as it is for five years. Three years is the maximum without a vote of Town Meeting. We are in year two of that contract with Bay State Elevator. We got our final snow and ice expenditure report from Tim. We expended 80% of the $102 appropriation. No snow and ice deficit. In fact we have an almost $20k surplus. We got our Chapter 90 highway grant award letter. FY11 apportionment is $178,546 ** Items requiring a motion