Attended FRCOG aerial photo software presentation. Desire to overlay up-to-date assessors parcel maps to maps. Handled WCS and town hall use applications Faxed election information to Athol Daily News Provided 1973 ATM motion to chair. Distribute free cash letter. We have $62,256 an amount reflected in FY10 budget. Contacted DOR and confirmed that our information on their web "gateway" is current. Updated insurer on workers compensation claim. Worker out four days, back to work and ok now. Contacted town hall renter to report that seat cushions previously missing were found in the elevator. Update from Tracy W re: cultural counsel grant. Town received funding transfer. Met with Nick and Tim following up on highway snow and ice meeting. Submitted reserve fund request for workers compensation audited premium from FY07 to Fin Com Prepared bills for payment. Met with building inspector. Phone meeting with town counsel on zoning matter. Printed road closed signs for Highway Dept. Checked staples account for online billing to avoid late fees resulting from timing of warrant payments. Met with accountant and reviewed transfer station and other accounts. Confirmed piano recital dates in May for town hall use. Reviewed, signed and faxed tree clean-up documentation prepared by Tim to FEMA. Began collecting storm damage in-kind assistance documentation from residents. Met with resident to follow-up on highway complaint. Reviewed a number of suggestions to gain cost savings, reach scale, and try alternative practices. Took a phone call at home from resident wondering if we could spread gravel on Richmond Rd as it is getting impassably rutted. Explained that is not practical and referred to highway department. Forwarded copies of WCS building plans to police department for contingency planning. Began research on CCTV system / video surveillance for WCS as prevention for break-ins. Studied the DOR IGR Enterprise Fund manual. Worked on documenting town's worker compensation loss control program. Reviewed completed highway dept. developed training. We got 12% workers comp discount this year. Eligible for 20% next year. Ordered burial type Ethernet cable for broadband project, got J bar mounts for difficult installations. Testing local radio network. Expect to test with backhaul by last week in March. Updated town hall reservation board. Notified senior meal participants for which I have email address of no meal due to Monday's ten inch snow storm. Corresponded with WiValley ISP regarding mounting bracket for PD. Ordered IP addressed mass storage device from Tech-1. 500GB Ethernet type is $175. Very fair price. Investigated accessing mail server sub domain on so we can archive town business. Contacted a company called They will host including unlimited email and web space for $71/year. Registered the dot us domain with neustar at no cost. Town clerk notarized submitted documents. New town truck damaged. Damage discovered during routine maintenance. Transmission housing and bell housing damaged / broken. Not covered under warranty or extended warranty says dealer. I filed insurance claim. Truck at Nutmeg (dealer). There is $500 deductible. Estimate to repair is $14k and tranny must be returned to manufacturer. Tim will look into getting some sanding coverage by neighboring town. We will only have one sand truck for a few weeks. Worker recalls plowing over a RR tie on Wendell Rd during storm a few weeks ago. Dealer says they have seen several of these as result of collision. Insurance inspection completed on Thurs 3/5 and work authorized to proceed. I waited a few days rather than ok immediate repair as it seems prudent to wait a few days to have an adjustor look at it as it sits. Answered questions following submission of commonwealth capital application. Consulted with FRCOG. Ordered 500MB network storage device for map and aerial photo library. Each workstation will be able to access. Contacted FRCOG to set up installation of software. Conferred with Tim on hired sander truck availability. Contacted Cartographic to get estimate of cost to make our tax maps useable as GIS overlays to new aerial photo maps. Cost to make shape files of our maps is $2365. This is a one time cost. Will run $300 thereafter to update. I spoke with Ryan at FRCOG. He composited our older maps and we could do the parcel data entry ourselves. His opinion is this price is fair, we'd have accurate maps and all the index data. Contacted town counsel and State Ethics attorney of the day regarding a question posed by resident regarding use of town building for what she regards as a partisan event. Reviewed FEMA submission by highway department for hanging and leaning trees. Value of claim is $28,800. 3/4 of which is reimbursable to town. Posted Selectboard change of meeting time to 6 PM Even though recycling revenues are in the toilet, Town's Transfer Sta. Enterprise Fund grossed $1120 in revenues from paper and cans/bottles. This does not include the metal dumpster. And while it costs money to transport the material, we got revenue instead of expense to dispose of material. Residents recycled almost 32 tons of material in first six months of the fiscal year. That resulted in a check for $1120 instead of paying to get rid of the tonnage. Scrap metal prices have rebounded from $10/ton in Nov. to about $125/ton. This is about half what it was a year ago. Warwick has earned a bit over $5000 in clean energy grant funding from Mass Technology Collaborative as of 12/31/08. We have 18 households contributing to the matching fund. When we hit $15k we can fund a small solar electric project with this revenue. Our insurer, Massamont will cover us next year under their accelerated renewal program at a 0% rate change. In the coming year we will be eligible for a 20% savings on workers compensation rate. We got a 12% rate reduction this year for following their loss reduction guidelines. We don't offer "light duty" if someone is injured so we forsake this discount. This renewal is in stark contrast to MIIA's claim that Massamont, after getting us to switch with a huge premium reduction will hike the rate in the next year. Didn't happen. When the basis for the premium changes the cost is adjusted. For instance the huge up tick in valuation for the Library and town hall will result in something less than $1000 in increase. But our coverage went up to $1.1 and .9 million respectively. And we would be co-insurers were we to insure for less than replacement value were we to incur a partial loss.