Coordinator Report Monday March 24, 2008 The Scanlon CPA firm who did our most recent audit e-mailed the data, an extensive spreadsheet of the Town's capital property. This will be helpful in developing our capital replacement plan. Town telephone research continued on incumbent Verizon and potential competitors. The up sides on this work are we disconnected line number 978-544-1573 service at Garage Road as it wasn't used. That will save us $45 per month. And I figured out the Centrex system works on three digit dialing. Town gets lines on a state bid contract of $9.70 per but we are charged $4 per month per listing to have each department listed in the phone book. A competitor offers $12.60 and both are subject to about $12 per in fees and taxes. Too little potential cost savings and many unknowns to change vendor. Was trying to effect savings to add dedicated alarm line and failed in that. However, at almost $50 / year per phone directory listing my next step is too look for a simple phone system with hunt group and voice mail. That would give us one number into the Town Hall which would branch off to the departments and save $250 / year in white pages directory listings. FRCOG annual bids on fuel oil and diesel are due in early April. I asked departments for their input on quantities. We'll want to increase our diesel. There is 15% leeway on actual use built into the bid. Our price for #2 this season is $2.29 and I doubt well be penalized for under-buying this year as the market is higher. Attended FRCOG sponsored budgeting seminar given by our DOR representative, Terry Williams. I was glad to attend as it focused on the revenue side of budgeting. Our '09 budget needs school numbers. About $24k has been unencumbered by departments and become undesignated Capital Stabilization funds since the last meeting. Broadband Committee wants me to report on the real progress on the Town Hall's Internet connection. I have established a solid wireless bridge to the satellite connection, a separate WiFi on different radio channel than the Library, and an independent wired LAN for the town hall. Of wider interest, according to Pioneer Connect the Broadband Bond Bill is still quite alive and pending legislative action. Should Verizon deliver on its DSL announcement Warwick will be in the front of the line for subsidy as we are one of only ten towns not slated for service. Last week I began talks with WCS / Pioneer about sharing their connectivity for public purposes (Town Government, Highway and public safety) Police Fire and EMS are nearing a schedule for ICS 300 training in Warwick to be completed before end of fiscal year. New handicapped railings made of oak have been built and installed on the stairs going up to the stage in the meeting hall. I raised the pickup level in the sump behind Town Hall so to stop pumping the water table. Is now maintaining same water level and cycling on and off for an expected energy savings. Other matters of note: Acknowledged $4550 in private donations to the Clock restoration effort. George Day's photos of the project are on the town website; Forwarded a hard copy of a 1970 landscape inventory to Dodson Associates; Began research on Septic Loans / Grants / Admin which is money we have on account and idle; Assisted with temporary road closings with signs and a letter to bus company; Researching terms of proposed MOA with DOR on wireless Internet facility atop Mt Grace; Coordinated and posted meetings; Assisted with Town Report; Printed proposed zoning changes in house at cost of background time and four reams of paper ($12). This still needs to be collated. Staples price for the job was $260; Got prevailing wages from state for consideration by Building and Energy Committee; We learned that adding Warwick to the ETA will need permission of all the other town's already part of the ETA; Attended Broadband Committee and Heritage Landscape meetings.