Worked on highway dept. computer upgrades including flat panel display and surplus laser printer. Cost per copy will be fraction of old HP inkprinter. New broadband connection working at highway department, library, town hall. Began to set up new town email addresses at Updated the Dept of Revenue directory / gateway with current information. Hiked up Mt. Grace to make configuration changes on broadband system. System up for purpose of testing by end of day Tuesday. Networked town hall to broadband. Left old satellite system in place as backup. Did fuel oil research. We've purchased 4000 gal. of oil to March 1 and are under contract for 5850 gal. this season. Had the new video screen and projector mount and wiring installed in main hall. Met with Matt H. to review town hall audio. Rosa in to letter signs for upcoming events. Met briefly with FRCOG planner. Sent the new NOS storage device to staff to load with new version of aerial pictomotry mapping software. Highway garage damaged by loader backing into it while back dragging yard. Insurance claim filed. An area of concrete block needs to be repaired along with a door. Reviewed and approved FEMA project worksheet for almost $27k in ice emergency reimbursement for highway department activities during Dec. state of emergency. Met with Jim E. regarding Vt Yankee disaster planning and FRCOG survey. Supplied Cheshire Hospital with billing detail for emergency room use from workers compensation claim. Provided Metrogard insurance with copy of prior public official liability policy. Monitored basement for water infiltration. Met with accountant regarding handling of insurance and FEMA reimbursements. Met with electrician at cell site. Consulted with Am Tower engineer. We have notice to proceed. Wires down. Contractor to open up road and clear limbs and tree tops. Contacted National Grid, contacted Am Tower Scheduled meeting with Verizon public affairs director for WMass Worked on FEMA ice storm emergency reimbursement for in-kind, generator use, and police dept expenses. Submitted community policing budget to state. Met with chief to review budgets and FEMA ice storm reimbursement application. Discussed personnel policy with committee chair. Processed bills for payment. Discussed mechanics of accounting for snow/ice emergency gravel project with Tim. Met with Verizon regional director of public affairs regarding plain old telephone lines. I will be point of contact for residents to submit data regarding outages and quality of service issues. Ran down cots loaned to town during snow/ice emergency. We have two to return. Established account with quill to get great price on copy paper. Installed NAT storage device on town hall computer network and configured the Pictometry map system on ConCom and Selectboard computers. Approved use of Fellows Memorial Field for May 9 WCS Parent Teacher organization use. Approved town hall use on April 3 for dinner hosted by foreign exchange students. Approved use of WCS for baseball sign-up. We got our score back from Commonwealth Capital and got 44. This submission is needed for some grant assistance, particularly Open Space requests. Score is one point more than last year. I am proposing creating an Agricultural Commission and adopting "right to farm" bylaw which will increase our score. The town is working to update the open space plan. Ed Matthews opened up the road to the cell tower this week allowing the ground work at the cell tower to begin. Les did the digging for the cell tower ground work. Climbers were on Mt Grace to implement the GPS timing device on the broadband system this week. This will help the system synchronize and generally play well together.