Printed building inspector forms and mailed one to a resident. Contacted Kulick's on my request that they sell trash bags, no decision yet Reviewed available surplus property, submitted request for projector. Met with Tim regarding highway matters, spoke with Chairman Lemon by phone. Contacted MIIA regarding results of workers compensation premium audit. Reported to copier leasor. Discussed need for surveillance system at WCS with Chief Peters. Prepared for Selectboard meetings. Corresponded with PVRS Superintendent regarding who pays bills to repair sprinkler system. Scheduled climbers for Mt Grace tower for Thursday. Worked on community policing grant funded procurement. Met with Jim Toth on buildings issues. Sold transfer station bags and stickers. Reviewed FRCOG report / minutes / proposed budget / meeting agenda. Received Verizon pole hearing petition for Sheperdson Pl. Contacted them about other pole projects on Richmond Rd and Hastings Pond Rd to check on timing and possibility of combining advertising. Contacted school to check on phone system and specifically voice mail set up. Spoke with Mary Thomas about wildlife crossing signs. Our minutes say the money has been donated. This is not so. Mary is beginning to solicit funding from residents. Due to depth of snow, I changed the installation of Internet radio gear to week of 2/1. Boiler in Town Hall failed to fire on Wednesday. Charley repaired it. Again. Problem with electronics. Received local aid cuts. FY09 reductions total $13,790. Scheduled meeting with FEMA for 2/4 to "kick-off" the ice storm damage reimbursement process. Motorist in to Town Hall to report herd of goats making its way north on Rt 78. Contacted Animal Control and posted to the list. Phone meeting with Terry Williams, DOR regarding MGL Ch 44 S 31 deficit spending authority. Posting and printing for Building Energy Committee. Conferred with EMD Erviti regarding grant documents and upcoming FEMA "kick-off" meeting. Contacted Butch regarding Kulicks and Warwick trash bags. Pursued insurance documentation from PVRS for damage from ice storm shelter activities. Met with Tim regarding highway department issues. Department of Revenue has Free Cash certified at $62,256. Turtle signage Advised town employee on personnel policy terms. Forwarded message to cultural council. Sold trash bags. Updated spreadsheet financial model. Model is five cents off on tax rate calculation... Answered query regarding use of WCS for additional recreation committee use. Let Sandri Oil Co into library to repair oil burner. Cleaned contacts on town hall boiler's burner. Conferred with town boards on town report matters and with software vendor. No reply from last week's e-mail to MIIA regarding workers compensation audit results. Phoned and found there were personnel changes. Started over. We got audited for FY08 and want to know the result. Rosa in working on developing new employee package. This is worth a 3% savings on W Comp Ins. Thanks to Donny M who plowed Mt Grace road with a bulldozer. We will install wireless Internet system on Monday and Tuesday. Reviewed highway complaints. Met with Nick to discuss Tim's highway report. Met with Rick to get CDBG grant application forms signed. Reviewed highways complaints and kudos. Forwarded Rosa's minutes to members. Contacted Greenwood Banister to get WCS plans to include in appeal of sprinkler system appeal. This is due 45 days from fire chief's order. Scheduled pole hearing for Shepardson Pl. for Feb 23 at 6:00 pm. Drafted Broadband Enterprise Fund budget for consideration by Broadband Committee.