Town Coordinator's Office Biweekly Report January 14, 2008 Department of Revenue Mgt Review - Contacted for additional documentation relating to appointments and Town's web site. Provided information regarding cost of short term borrowing. I am going to need to compile an inventory of capital assets. Will begin with audit data. FY08 Budget - Met with Fin Com who approved Reserve Fund request. Budgets are due 1/15. FinCom next meeting is 1/16 at 6pm. Fincom agreed to take up capital planning responsibility. Town Hall Office end of building has new programmable thermostat. Big fridge has front mounted on / off switch and meals site is using donated small fridge. TH Internet additional Range Extender added and Library's WiFi antenna relocated outside the building. Have ordered an external dish type WiFi antenna to get signal to building. Library internet use 3x this month has gone over the bandwidth limit causing slowed service. Posted information on the W-list. Folks need to keep huge file downloads in check or everyone suffers. Somebody drove up and downloaded almost 500mb likely without knowing the implications. Anybody needing to download in a big way should note that use between 3am and 6am is not counted Broadband Committee is seeking $2500 this budget cycle to enhance the "hot spot" or provide match for Broadband effort. Posted Board and Committee meeting schedule for January on the list. Town Accountant Computer and data backup capability was upgraded. Arranged for a TH rental, and returned the deposit of another. Worked on ATM and BOS agenda items Met with Whipple of Forestry Committee. He prepared packet of info for members and wants to restock the $2k Revolving Fund so they can pay for boundary and other work. Reviewed Engineering contract for WCS sprinkler consulting. Suggest we pay the contract from money voted from ATM Stabilization budget Reviewed Community School draft budget. Met with Fire chief and Recreation Committee about budgets Prepared for payment worker comp FY07 audited premium. Highway increased by $50k from basis year FY06. This and overtime being paid to super will need to be reflected in the '09 insurance budget. Received FCounty economic development strategy. & long range regional transportation plan. Prepared bills for payment Wrote a letter to Verizon regarding their reporting on COMA Faxed info to solid waste district on animal data for emergency management planning Filed report for 07 with MOBT Office of Women and Minority Business Assistance Worked on US Flags pricing for Celebrations Agreed to meet with Massamont Insurance to let them quote our insurance. And got them to send us copies of bonds not on file with town clerk. With Jeanette's help was able to provide data the same day requested to PVRS. In one case census data on kids in pipeline to enter school. Other was providing copy of certified TM vote of debt exclusion over-ride on Community School for Melanson audit of PVRS. Unfinished / Ongoing Evaluation tool BOS Town report Building and demolition data for Census / FRCOG Agenda items Reserve fund request Vote to sign warrant for presidential primary Execute contract for engineering services with RJ Busolari Adopt or act on Town Flag Highway / Town thanks to FD Act on Green Energy Adopt meeting schedule