storm windows in place updated CDS narrative met with Tim. LRPlan, pavement plan, computer, Met with Jeannette, got election results on stick drive, FY10 budget, Met with Charlie and Patty regarding window washing. Is about 35 - 40 hrs. We pay them T=$50 / wkly. In FY08 when we overspent the hourly was $8.52. He cleaned out of oil fired boiler chimney per request of burner tech. Interviewed by reporter from Bloomberg's on fuel oil prices and contract. Conversations with Patricia and Nick. Confirmed Town Hall rental for Elan's student piano recital. Letter to Severance notifying her of issuance of septic system disposal system permit. Now has building and septic permits. Reviewed notice of changes in retirement system rules which close a major loophole in counting service for future employees. Summarized status of broadband project to provide points for report in newsletter. Talk with Shoemaker regarding break-ins and dumping. Kurkoskis and Toth relocated the boiler thermostat and changed the furnace one to a programmable. Many thanks. Sent community development strategy and prioritized project list to FCRHA. Called FCRHA regarding a possible rehab client. Had Rosa update the pendant sign content including Tai Chi Tuesday mornings. Confirmed town hall rental availability for private party, processed paperwork and approved use. Electrical service on Mt Grace needs wiring inspection and then is complete. Got information for Mr. Shaw regarding lot ownership. Met with Bill Lyman regarding chimney repairs, play structure repairs, condition of ramp at police station. Configured new highway department computer. Added modem. Transferred data from old to new. Consulted with chairman on legal enforcement matters. Walter Morgan ok with permanently barring the Gale Rd end of Allen Rd and temporarily barring the other end until we can repurpose a swinging steel gate. Final load of rubbish from cleanup hauled on Friday. Met with Lisa Vanderstelt to obtain permission to continue our practice of piling snow on her land behind the FD driveway next to the fire tank. We will next spring repair and extend her curtain drains which we have covered up. Tim found that the town park / town hall drain crosses her driveway and goes under three trees on the property boundary before taking a turn. Lisa is agreeable to letting the town have access to the drains to make repairs which we may attempt in the next construction season. Got some surplus phone equipment of same type as planned for WCS. Will substitute and save money on the project and be able to have a generous spare part inventory. We could save as much as $700 Posted meeting notices. Picked up surplus printers and phone system components from FC House of Corrections. Met with phone installer. Consulted with FRCOG staff regarding our MOA with DCR for use of tower. Monitored Library wifi. Met with new resident about building permit process, zoning requirements on temporary living / camping permit. DCR finished cleanup of Allen Rd. They will gate the road on the Hastings Heights Rd end next week. WHD will assist by placing a stone on the Gale Rd end. Posted Shepardson Pl. pole hearing and notified abutters. This is adding poles between existing ones, not a new route. IBEW Local 7 installed the solar lighting on the Veterans Monument and Flagpole. Thanks to Mass Tech Collaborative and the Electrical Workers Union who donated the installation. Assisted FD with transportation to Porters Diesel in Winchester. Got current pricing on license forms for BOH. Working on Am Tower lease agreement. Need drawings of location of our equipment on tower to submit with lease. Publicized Municipal Finance Forum happening on Dec 2 sponsored by FRCOG Answered FRCOG survey on fuel bidding process. Both Tim and I returned surveys recommending no change in manner or timing. Conference with Charlie E, custodian, regarding Town Hall cleaning. I commended his responsiveness to matters that crop up needing repair and fix-its, as well, we reviewed ongoing cleaning tasks which need more and regularized attention. to do: Fred re: ESCO and school Lisa re: place to pile snow American Tower leases BOH credentials Letter to dept heads on budget deadline and cap planning deadline