Coordinator report November 20, 2009 This is an abbreviated report made early as I am out of the office next week. Several elected town officials have objected to the practice of e-mail posts to the town email list-serve being assumed to be official inter-departmental notification. My thought is that posting to the list-serve is not sufficient and is ancillary notice. Many town employees including the town clerk and two assessors do not subscribe. On the board's behalf our practice is that I put paper notice in departmental mailboxes and in addition email directly when I know email is attended. Patricia raised an interesting procurement question recently. We procure under one of two different statutes. Goods and services are governed by Ch30B and this says that if under $5000 we use sound business practices, above that and under $25k we get three quotes and $25k or more we go to bid. Where building something new or modifying a public building it is governed by Ch149 which has had a "dollar one" threshold and has for some time. FRCOG is doing a tradespersons bid for the school districts - because right now if you want an electrician to come put in an electrical outlet, you have to get three quotes. Jared Woods has agreed to become Transfer Station Alternate Attendant and his hiring approval is before the Selectboard. He originally applied when we hired David and Mary. We had six great applicants so are working off that pool. We are seeking special municipal employee status for Board of Health members and approval of Ch 268 Section D exemption for Dick and Rita so they may be paid in the event they ever need to fill in at the transfer station. Jeannette as town clerk has been working to get the town in compliance with Ethics training requirement. I emailed the summary document and receipt and she is distributing 100 or more copies to town employees. By April everybody must take an on-line training. We will deal with that after meeting the summary document requirement. We must designate a senior level employee to be the "liaison" to the ethics commission. Jeannette is willing to take this on so I recommend she be appointed. Following a public meeting on the final draft of the CDS the board will need to vote the Strategy at the next meeting. We have pole hearing for Richmond Rd scheduled for 7:00 pm Nov. 30. Highway Dept. got the Chestnut Hill bridge rebuilt with white oak trucked all the way from Virginia. They are installing the speed signage and have switched the trucks over to sanders and are ready for snow and ice. Tim and I have agreed to seek reserve fund request from the Finance Committee for half the $10k cost as this was a huge hit on an approximately $100k expense budget. Without some revenue"infill" we won't be buying much if any gravel for our roads this year. Senator Brewer's office has telegraphed some good news on Local Aid, specifically PILOT which may not be cut as planned by the Governor's office. That is $40k or more revenue to us. ZBA decided to advertise anew on the Copper Angel special permits application. This was on the advice of counsel. Advertising and notices got out for the Dec 10 hearing which is scheduled for 7:15 pm. They are working on the clock started by the original application. The board now stands at five members and all will participate so alternates have participated. Broadband committee is working on a planned grant application for expansion and upgrade of our system. I provided a list of equipment for their consideration and a copy is included with your meeting package. To date we have added five subscribers this month to date and connections stand at 64.