Coordinator report 12 November 2009 Paul Daniello representing Mt. Grace Land trust will appear at the next Selectboard meeting regarding a proposed Conservation Restriction on about 15 acres of back land (no frontage). He has met with the Conservation commission who support the request. Most of the land involved is in Royalston. Selectboard need to vote that this is in the public interest in order for this to happen. We have a request from FRCOG that we appoint an emergency response coordinator. I referred this to Mr. Erviti, our Emergency Management Coordinator. Since this ERC position has most often to do with hazardous material spills he recommends appointment of Fire Chief. I concur and our chief has been functioning in this capacity. Proposal for fire department stipends: We appropriated $6k. The Chief wants the officers to be included in the stipends as their contribution to the department in training, building, and apparatus repair is far beyond what they are "paid". To qualify for stipends, firefighters must: attend 50% of training sessions (this training requirement may be met by attending outside training from another department and / or fire Academy training / certification. Firefighters must also respond to alarms / calls and be first responders on medical calls. Stipends will be paid twice each fiscal year. once in November and final distribution in June. 5/12ths of $6,000 is $2556. There are twelve qualified for stipends by the chief. This works out to $500 / year and $213 each for the first payment. FYI, there is $2,000 on the stipend line for officer compensation divided between the chief, deputy chief, the three lieutenants. Proposed speed limits are ready for the board's approval and submittal to the Registry of Motor Vehicles. It has taken us almost three years to get to this point and in my view they keep getting better. The most recent changes involve some yellow advisory signs and a few further speed reductions. The Moore's Pond area is getting a 25 MPH and we were able to keep our desired 30MPH in the village center. I urge the approval by the Selectboard. This has the support of the Chief of Police and Highway Superintendent. We are on track to meet our Dec 1 deadline for the CDBG project list and strategy. A hearing is Thursday Nov. 12 and we need to have this voted before Dec. 1 I did some research for Health Board and learned that a majority of our school district towns have a dumpster and private hauler. The elementary school is now buying stickers. I have arranged for a steel enclosure to be built over the compactor to better secure it and to help avoid freeze-up. And we are adding an immersion heater to the hydraulic tank. Only other enhancement I recommend at the transfer station is a compactor for the paper / cardboard as we are shipping about a ton per load with shipping cost of $180 a load. By quadrupling the tonnage we'd save $500 in trucking. A good used compactor would cost us about $5k and the breakeven would be less than two year's time. Thanks are due Janet Conover for her service on the ZBA and past service on Cemetery Commission. She recently resigned from the former and her expertise and energy will be missed. Miryam Williamson has agreed to be appointed. Ted Cady has agreed to contribute clerical assistance. The Angel's application is affected by the changes because only three members participated and there is case law that requires all three members to see an application through. Fred Dupere, town counsel, recommends starting anew. That will be the ZBA's call ultimately as there is a number of options. I'll give what administrative assistance I can to the ZBA so that this can be fast tracked to the extent possible. We have begun scoping the WCS sprinkler repair project and developing proposal selection criteria. I am being assisted by the architectural firm of Bannister Greenberg with the process. Among my duties for the town I am the procurement officer. With assistance of Andrea of FRCOG I have determined that the project is subject to MA Law Chapter 149 for construction procurement. It must be put to competitive bid. I am assuming the price of the repairs will fall between $25k and $100k. As such the project must be advertised in the Central Register, DCAM certification is not required, a 5% bid deposit is required and 50% payment bond required. Law requires no performance bond and prevailing wage applies. The professional services of the architect are not subject to procurement. One approach to this project is to develop engineering and construction documents that specify exactly what we want constructed. We have a complex problem with multiple possible solutions so I think it best we not propose the fix. Therefore we will solicit a design / build Request for Proposals. In this approach, that all bidders are providing the same service is not a concern. We can consider a variety of solutions this way. This will require us to Scope the project and develop Selection Criteria. Respondents will propose a solution to our problem (Proposal) and separate Price proposals. We will score the proposals base upon our selection criteria. Only after selecting a Proposal will we open the price proposal. We may negotiate price once having selected a proposal. The next step which I am working on is developing the project scope and selection criteria. There is a perception that the Vitrolic system installed is inherently junk and not that it was improperly installed and maintained. Keeping any of it will be a compromise in the view of some. Replacing the entire dry system would be a huge expense. Repairing it will cost in the range of $50 to $70k. Finally in order to secure funding I intend to take this procurement forward absent the funds in hand. We are operating under an order to repair so bidders can be confident that this project will indeed happen.