Reviewed maps of town park and Warwick Inn land with George Day. Found mapped layout of drain from rear of town hall. Phone conversation with SNE wireless ISP about Pelham tower site and backhaul design. Received price quotes on Motorola Canopy radios from WiBlast and WiValley. Transmitted Police, Fire, Hiway driver of town vehicles information to insurer. Got proof of insurance for new truck from Massamont insurance per request of Treasurer. Undertook preparation for worker compensation audit. Found index to town and county roads, copies of files dating from 1976 and earlier. Ordered and received delivery of more trash bags from inventory at request of BOH. Spoke with advocate regarding BOH enforcement action. Submitted ZBA legal ads and mailed notices. Scheduled town hall use. Met with Moderator regarding request for payments; BOH member regarding correspondence and grant availability. Sent offer to City of Easthampton on surplus heavy duty IHC dump truck which they accepted subject to funding availability. They want the entire truck which had been offered with the option of no dump body. Discussed sale of dump body from above truck with potential buyer. Met with a party interested in operating the Warwick Store. Discussed zoning, title V, feasibility. Correspondence with Copper Angel Bakery regarding next steps on directional signage. We need mock-ups and proposed location. Contacted Complete disposal regarding their invoice for purchase of the compactor which is $300 higher than agreed upon. They agreed to adjust amount downward. Invoice is being processed for payment. We will own it for about the cost of another year of rental. Returned executed contract to Solid Waste District to inspect transfer station per 310 CMR 19.207 at cost of $50.00 and forwarded copy to BOH. Worked on procurement for wireless backhaul as alternate to T-1. Got twice the bandwidth at same or less total cost. Need to get permission for larger antenna on H tower. Updated FRCOG Member Directory data for Warwick. Printed handouts for seminar on conflict of interest. Promoted events to county towns. Attended seminar. Assisted Highway dept with cold in place pavement demonstration. Photographed event for web site. Discussed Old Winchester Rd petition with Superintendent. Printed highway quality of service survey for mailing. Assisted with preparation for Ethics seminar and attended. Provided data to American Tower for Town's application. Received verbal notice that application looks good. Discussed snow and ice appropriation with accountant, fin com members. Met with Tim, worked on hired trucker procurement to assist highway department. Reviewed FY08 final expenditure report. Processed bill payment requests. MOA with DCR has been signed by all parties. Severance court date set for Oct. 17. Seeking order to secure and contempt citation. Meeting with New Salem broadband project folks. Received phone notice of award of $5,000 solar lighting grant for flags at Veterans Memorial. Drafted acknowledgment letter. Spoke with USDA representative regarding upcoming broadband workshop in Northampton on October 15. I am coordinating carpooling and Warwick registrants. Drafted and executed a liability release with owner of Warwick Store. Supervision of janitor. Reviewed Fire Dept procurement. Met with Tim. Met with Nick. Met with Patricia. Provided fin com contacts to Sen. Brewer's office. Updated some building dept. data on instructions for forms with assistance from Rosa. Recruited volunteers to work on town hall meeting hall draperies. Notice to residents of paving project posted to w-list. Rounded up trash and recycling in town hall. Contacted Lt Sprague at MA State Police regarding broadband installation on Mt Grace.