Town of Warwick Coordinator's Report October 31, 2008 Researched CDBG sustainable development principles. Anonymous volunteer will make storm windows for town hall basement where non exist. Mailed Pioneer Valley Energy planning MOA to FRCOG and advised building committee. Made surplus equipment request for phone system components. Conferred with WCS phone installer. Got key to Mt Grace access road. Received Motorola Canopy equipment shipment. Approved selection of engineering firm to do engineering of study H tower on Mt Grace to get approval of our antennas. Met with Tim regarding highway surveys. Met with Rita, got a copy of septic construction permit. Discussed transfer station and status of court case. FY10 budget process begun. All departmental worksheets in mailboxes. These are due December 15. Had a conversation regarding Town's fuel bid and use with Greenfield Recorder reporter. Fielded inquiries about upcoming election. Answered some and referred others to clerk. Arts council member concerned about piano conditioner. I referred to piano technician who installed it and tunes instrument. Met with Fire chief regarding processing invoice for DCR grant reimbursement. Letter and budget to assessors for enterprise fund and recap sheet. Did FY 08 budget sub account research to assist preparation of budgets. Filed 07 report to Alcohol Control and drafted 08 report. Posted winter BOS meeting schedule Re-submitted materials to American Tower, this time by fax and email. Bid opening on plowing. Awarded to Matthews and Black, both of town at cost of $65/hr. Reviewed and approved Tim's contract on above for plowing. Met with phone system installer for WCS upgrade. Met with custodian regarding westernization. Met with building inspector regarding Severance permit issuance. Provided information on Tim's cold in place recycling pavement project for FRCOG newsletter. Conferred with installer on configuration of wireless internet. Opted for public ip address scheme. Posted utility pole relocation hearing for one pole on Gale Road to be held December 1, 2008. Discussed FRCOG Emergency Mgt Survey with Erviti. Worked on draft of report on highway questionnaire for newsletter. Met with Tim on my draft. Contacted State Police regarding getting a key to the service building on Mt. Grace. Called Charlie to remind him to set up for elections and secure storm windows. Anonymous volunteer made and installed two storm windows in boiler room. Jim Toth worked on sealing the other two basement windows. Rosa updated pendant sign and sorted letters. Dick Kilhart helped Highway Dept locate town hall drain pipe location. Prepared request for payments for town's bills. Assisted Assessor's clerk with research on a new house that may need to be added to tax roll. Answered citizen request that the town enforce its prohibition against camping and trailers. Made report to ZBA on two cases of zoning enforcement that are in housing court. Did research on cost estimates for CDS projects. Scheduled employee assistance program meeting for Nov 7 at 1:30 pm and sent notices. Conferred with Russ Dupere regarding housing court enforcement cases. Followed up on outstanding computer upgrade order status. Ordered paper and office supplies. Worked with Jim Toth Charlie, and Terry on steam heat thermostat configuration. Hired Brian Miner to do fall clean-up of town park. Got preliminary approval by Am Tower of our application to use the tower for our WISP (wireless internet). Review Tim's short and long term project lists and forwarded to webmaster for publication. Investigated legal technicality related to authorization of electrical inspector revolving fund.