Coordinator report October 29, 2009 Met with insurance agent to receive endorsements and review policies. We received an inspection report from Hartford Insurance Co wherein they note the need for a redundant low water cut-off switch. I guess that without a Hartford loop (we are a one pipe system) the code says we need two. This boiler is about a million years old and this isn't a new requirement. I'll get it added to the system. Probably cost a few hundred. Wrote three pages summarizing FY09 for annual report Billed broadband subscribers, processed payments. Developed October financial statements. Regarding transferring broadband administration, this takes about three and a half hours per month. Included are purchasing, setting up new subscribers in the database, dispatching installations, billing, recording collections and turnovers to the treasurer, and customer support if any. This month because of the power outages I got one phone call when a router wouldn't reconfigure. It wasn't really our problem. The administration might take even less time if I had more to do in this capacity as I have to relearn certain functionalities of the database software if I don't use it often. At this scale it would take more time to teach somebody and supervise and correct errors. We are currently at fifty-nine subscribers including town government connections. Currently the time lag isn't satisfactory on getting cash book information from the treasurer. This is really my problem. The bills get paid and exactly how much cash is on hand yesterday isn't really of paramount importance. I may want to start keeping a cash book myself if exact current information is desired. That will add an hour or so. Special projects such as analysis of adding a lending component, adding super subscribers, adding infrastructure or supporting or writing grants add to the time required. No matter, I recommend administration of broadband remain a part of coordinator job for the foreseeable future. It is working. We are building subscriber base, cash flow, and fund balance. At some point in the future we may achieve scale to offload administration or it may just keep getting easier. Very little of the coordinator's time is spend on broadband so there is no reason to fix what isn't broken. Regarding financing customer premises installations we have options. They are: The broadband committee recommendation which is that customers pay $85 per month, that people who finance their systems be required to sign a document saying that if they default on payments, their equipment will be repossessed with no refund, and that no one in arrears on property or excise taxes should be allowed to finance their broadband system. Fred says he can if instructed develop such a document that would let us enter private property to repossess the radio modem. My recommendation that customers pay $75 per month and that installation occur when they have $225 on account. This is a limited lay-away / equity solution. When we collect $500 at the get-go we lose $75 on day one and make it back over time. This would provide $150 of the borrower's money at risk instead of a no down payment scenario. Another solution is that we offer Paypal or Unipay on-line where customers pay us using a major credit card and their debt becomes somebody else's problem. Finally there is the recommendation of town counsel and the tax collector which is that we not offer financing. Fred characterized this as a bad, bad, idea. He is willing to come and address the Selectboard. If the board continues to have concerns about how I spend my time it should seriously consider the implications of administration / servicing a loan program. The cost in staff time, in court time and legal fees and potential losses to the enterprise are real. So are the benefits to lower income residents if it works. Securing with municipal liens or betterment district are not feasible ways to secure. We are talking about getting into the rent-a-center business. At least with a sizable down payment our borrowers would have some skin in the game. I exchanged some correspondence with the school regarding their need to get authorization before expending money on the building they expect the town to pay for directly. This was in relation to the phone system but last year applied to other building repairs. Bill Lyman reports that he has yet to get back to work on about one day's worth of additional exterior trim work I authorized. This is in addition to the three areas he's already repaired which included the big problem spot. The Kurkoskis are getting us quotes on a 1 kW solar electric system so the town can draw down the almost $6k in matching grant money we have to secure by Nov. 1. A signed plan by Selectboard chair will move the funds to the town. The project which is proposed to be located on the town hall roof and will, based on the proposals need one to two thousand in addition to the almost $6k we have accrued. Dan Dibble will be at the meeting to present. Balance of funding can come from the Town Hall improvement account, Mary Hastings Fund, fund drive, ATM appropriation... Assistant transfer station attendant resigned. I recommended to the BoH that we use the previous hiring process resumes as we had six good ones and hired two. They will recommend and Selectboard will act on their subsequent nomination. I got FY11 budget forms to departments. That means it is time to give some guidance on wage increases. Last year COLA was up more that 5% and we granted 2%. This year COLA is negligible and it would be worth considering doing a little make up. I have a draft warrant done and will start on the budget spreadsheet next week. ZBA were the first department to submit a budget and for it I am grateful.