Coordinator report October 1, 2009 Appointments to new positions and vacancies - Martha Morse and Janet Conover have both indicated willingness to serve on the CDBG advisory committee. We have two nibbles on the Finance Committee and I will pass names to the Moderator. I know that Mrs. Lemon has been doing her homework on soliciting community members willing to serve but won't outline the nominations until Monday in hope that I will have input from other members. Green Communities - Janice Kurkoski reports that even though Warwick hasn't sought the designation, there is "Green Community" / DOER grant funding that Warwick can apply for. I will work with the committee on this. The committee is working on a plan to submit by the Nov 30 deadline for use of the $5k already earned at MTC. George and Robert Day repaired the jug filler on the town fountain last week. It took $30 worth of parts and their volunteer labor over two days to put it right, probably for a couple more decades. Thanks again on behalf of the town for keeping this going. Illegal dwelling units - last week I became aware of some un-permitted seasonal dwelling units. The Board of Health held a meeting jointly with a number of board chairs and are investigating with the assistance of the Dept. of Public Health. Town counsel is informed and we may end up in court. One owner contacted me and assured me that he is in compliance with a 2003 DEP compliance order, that his two trailers are not permanent and are both located more than 200 feet from the brook. New Conflict of Interest Law - the Governor signed new law that took effect end of Sept. The law requires us to designate a liaison to the Ethics Commission before the end of Jan. and requires all employees to take on-line training every two years. We have to provide summaries to all employees by the end of Dec. Health Insurance - Our cost went up this year 7.4% on average. As an employer a bigger factor is the take rate by subscribers. Based on cost and enrollment I predict a $3k budget shortfall for the fiscal year. We appropriated $51k. This is a difficult line item to project as both premium rate and subscription are at play. Our plan costs about $480/mo for individual and $1400 / mo for families. Our group, Hampshire COG still beats the state's GIC and so far we aren't forced to join Group Insurance Commission. Community Development Strategy - Time to update this document. This is the planning document that includes a narrative and project list which is required to get Community Development Block Grant funding. Last year's project list included 40 items. We have accomplished more than 25% of the identified projects and are in progress on another 15% of these. Accomplished are insulating town hall, rip-rap in ditches on identified roads, more events, being a pilot for rural wireless Internet, financial assistance to businesses (CDBG loan fund), upgrade Route 78 road base, wide screen projector at town hall, revision of sub-division regulations, update zoning by-laws. In progress are the update of Open Space Plan, getting dwellings up to code (CDBG housing rehab grant), encouraging business that promotes social interaction / restaurant. The process is to solicit input from town boards, committees and the public. Add new projects and remove completed ones. Modify the CDS. Prepare a final draft. Then advertise and hold a public meeting for input to the final draft. The Selectboard must approve the update before 1 December. Then we are eligible to apply for FY10 grant money. Financing broadband - In the first week since announcing the possibility of financing of broadband I have yet to get any input from website or newsletter publicity. No one has spoken for it or against it or called in any fashion to say put me on the waiting list. I am going to give it two more weeks before drawing any conclusions. I discussed with the Broadband Committee the possibility of requiring monthly prepayment like a lay-away on the front end of a financing offering. Work is ongoing. WCS Sprinkler -Will be meeting on site with engineers next week. I met with the fire chief on the progress and plan last week. The request for proposal route seems the most promising. I met with a circuit rider for the Mass Rural Water Assoc. to discuss possible USDA loans / grants once we are ready to propose. Coordinator Vacation - by the end of this month I will have two weeks vacation accrued. I am going to take two days next week and I will be away the week of Thanksgiving leaving me with one week on the books.