Broadband Committee Minutes 6-5-09 Present: Reva Reck (presiding), Les Goodman, Miryam Williamson (recording) CTO 15:40 MOTION, Reck, to approve minutes of May 29, 2009, 2nd Goodman, UNANIMOUS Goodman reported on Motorola seminar in Lowell on Wednesday and Thursday. One of results is we have turn off all transmitters on Mt. Grace and put them into listening mode for interference. If interference is found on some channels then access points can be reconfigured. We will notify subscribers by email before the shutdown. David Young has printed subscriber invoices for equipment ($400) and June service ($50) to be mailed in hard copy. Assuming Reck gets database set up by the end of June, she will send bills electronically from now on. The committee discussed a draft charge to the broadband committee, as the selectboard requested. The draft will be sent by email to the selectboard in time for discussion at their 6/15 meeting. MOTION Reck that the text of the charge be accepted as our recommendation to the selectboard, 2nd Goodman, UNANIMOUS A draft to service agreement and acceptable use policy between subscribers and the Town of Warwick Broadband System (TWBS) was discussed. MOTION, Williamson, approve the document for recommendation to the selectboard, 2nd Reck. UNANIMOUS At next week's meeting it was agreed we will discuss a support document that Reck will draft. Also to be drafted is a support protocol - for example, The first question to ask someone who places a trouble call should be "Have you run the troubleshooting guide?" Next meeting June 12, 3 p.m. MOTION to adjourn, Williamson, 2nd Goodman. UNANIMOUS Adjourned 16:58 Approved ____6/12/09_________________