Warwick Buildings & Energy Committee Annual Report for FY 2013 The purpose of the Warwick Buildings and Energy Committee is to assess town buildings and maintenance needs, research options for the select board and Warwick citizens to encourage efficient energy consumption and optimal maintenance of town properties, and encourage Warwick townspeople's own efforts in renewable energy production and carbon footprint reduction. Members as of the end of FY 2013 are: Janice Kurkoski '14 - chair Dan Dibble '13 Matt Sheldon '15 Steve Kurkoski '14- scribe Jim Toth '13 Jack Cadwell '15 Warwick Town Hall: Several more window sashes were rebuilt and installed. Winserts are still needed in the main hall. There is insufficient hot water during large events, especially during winter months. Pipe insulation is still needed and perhaps re-install the 80 gal tank. Warwick Community School: The WBEC continued to struggle with the idea that the school district could somehow reimburse the town for energy saving capital expenses from the proven savings within the annual operation budget. We recommended unanimously that the selectboard engage Bales Energy Associates to prepare a framing statement that addresses the recovery of the capital expenses for energy savings construction through operational credits at the Warwick Community School. Bart Bales of Bales Associates prepared a statement and spreadsheet with examples of how the payback and borrowing would work, showing how it costs less to implement energy upgrades than to do nothing, how energy saving expenses could be categorized as operational expenses because improvements that are a net reduction in operational expenses should be considered part of the operating budget and should be funded by the district. He also pointed out that new controls would generate enough electrical savingss to get National Grid get involved and have them pay for some of this work. The snow melting pattern on the gym and stage roofs indicate that warm air is leaking throught the roof panel seams. Bart mentioned that there is money available for all of this sort of work through the Green Communities program. Highway Dept: After noticing a spike in the heating oil use at the equipment garage due to more staff hours, the town approved $20,000 for remediation in the form of insulation. Research into insulation options and installation details are ongoing. Fire Dept: In January, we received concept drawings for the new safety building. After reviewing, several questions arose. In February, Fire Chief Ron Gates invited our committee to present our questions at the next Firemen's Association Safety Building Committee meeting. As of June, there has been no word from the Association after repeated attempts for followthrough. Fire station, Police station, and Library - Building performance assessments are still needed to determine extent and types of air sealing and additional insulation (especially in all attics and library basement.) Winserts are still needed in these buildings. Simple inexpensive things could be done here with some initiatives taken by the tenants. General Items: We continue to track oil and electric consumption using the MASS Energy Insight on-line program. Tracking energy usage helps us decide where to put our energy going forward. NOTE: The Warwick Community School continues to use more than twice as much electricity and heating oil as ALL of our other municipal buildings combined.