We have a small poster at home that is simply a picture of a compact fluorescent light bulb and underneath is a simple question; IS THIS THE BEST WE CAN DO? It is a start, but it is only a start. If we stop with that small step, we will never get back to what we used to call a normal climate. The organization 350.org is organizing a day of awareness for Oct 24 to try to raise awareness of the urgency of our individual and collective actions. There are places in the world that already are experiencing the effects of sea level rise and climate change, these places will only grow more numerous and their plights more desperate if we do nothing more than change a few light bulbs. There are a lot of programs right now, looking for participants, that will help us reduce our energy consumption, and the reduction of energy use is the fastest and cheapest response we can make. National Grid has several programs that will help pay for replacement appliances that will cut down on electric use in your home without making you change a single habit. Old refrigerators, microwaves and toaster ovens are a few things that eat up a lot of electricity and cost more money to run than new ones. Get rebates from National Grid and other companies by making these upgrades. There are also many programs for insulation and energy efficiency upgrades that can save you lots of money, not only for the cost of the work, but in the coming years by reducing the cost of daily living. Start small, but start and then keep on keepin' on.