Within the next week, the Warwick town hall will have a new solar electric system installed on the south facing roof. The funding for this came in part from the Commonwealth Solar program of the MA Dept. of Energy Resources, but most of the cost was covered by Warwick's Clean Energy Choice fund. Several Warwick households (you know who you are) have been paying a little bit more each month for 'green' electricity, and over the last few years this fund has reached almost $6,000! We are obliged to spend this money now, so the Building and Energy Committee's first choice was to put a practical photovoltaic system, even though modest, on the Town Hall. The solar panels will feed electricity back into the building's electric panel when the sun is shining, and this will power the electric loads on site. If there is excess electricity being generated at that time, then the electric meter outside will turn backwards! Two neat educational features are included with this system: the new meter in the main hall will show solar panel production in real time, and this information will also be visible via internet, probably even on the Warwick web site. Another unique feature is that these solar panels are fitted with inverters right at the panels, so what comes out is AC electricity. These mini-inverters are made right here in Mass., and we are privileged to be one of the first 'commercial' applications of this product in the state. One more plug - it is still much more cost effective to conserve energy (turn OFF computers and lights when not in use, use shades before air conditioners, etc.) and use efficient appliances, but renewable energy is possible here and now, so why not? - and our electric bills will be less for many years to come. So the next time you're at the town hall, look up! The citizens of "the Little Town that Could" have done it again!