THE GREEN CORNER - Dan Dibble As the days get short and the holidays get cranked up, our energy bills also tend to show a dramatic jump. A few conservative adjustments might help reduce that spike in energy bills to a more manageable little bump. -Use LED lights on a timer. Lots of incandescent Christmas lights add up to a lot of energy use, especially if they get left on for long periods of time. -Turn down the thermostat and put on a sweater. This could serve two purposes; save money and burn off those extra calories. Recent diet tips suggest lowering the temp of our homes as part of a weight control program. -Close off areas of the house that aren't being used. Put towels or "door snakes" in front of doors leading to colder rooms to cut down on drafts. -Put heavy curtains, "winserts" or insulating inserts into windows, especially those on the north side of the house. (Take a look at the Town Hall windows next time you go there. Both curtains and "winserts" have been added to both reduce the heating costs and make the rooms and offices more comfortable.) -Find and eliminate drafts around doors and windows, along baseboards and in basements and attics. An incense stick is a handy way to find small leaks, and give the house a holiday flare.