THE GREEN CORNER - Dan Dibble With winter in full stride and the economic turmoils still with us, now is a great time to think about a "Green" revolution/resolution. The Environmental Defense Fund has 10 suggestions for saving money and the climate. 1. Recycle and buy minimally packaged goods (and as locally produced) as possible. 2. Wash clothes in cold or warm water. 3. Install low-flow showerheads (faucets & toilets). (You will save water and energy used to heat the water.) 4. Run the dishwasher only when full and don't use the heat to dry dishes. 5. Replace standard light bulbs with compact fluorescent (or LED) bulbs. 6. Plug air leaks in windows and doors to increase energy efficiency. 7. Replace old appliances with (energy-star) energy-efficient models. 8. Walk, bike, carpool or use public transportation whenever possible. 9. Adjust your thermostat (better yet, get a programmable thermostat) a little lower in the winter, a little higher in summer. 10. Share these simple steps with friends and family and increase global awareness.