Warwick Buildings and Energy Committee draft minutes September 27th, 2011, at 6:44 pm Attending: Jack Cadwell, Janice Kurkoski, Steve Kurkoski, August meeting minutes accepted TOWN HALL Windows Jack has sent an EFI order to David for weather stripping. Jack found water in the east wall in the dining room. In the main hall, the old storms are off and the new ones have not been installed yet. This needs to be done soon. Jack will call David about this. HISTORICAL SOCIETY Janice has contacted Martha Morse and sent her our report from last year about what we found at the Historical Society. MISCELLANEOUS Jack has written a draft letter stating that we are looking for new committee members for the WB&E committee. Ideas about what could be on the poster for the Garlic Fest were discussed. Pictures of the Town Hall solar system, Energy use charts, town hall work-day photos, school energy audit are some ideas. Meeting adjourned; 7:45 Next meeting October 19th 6:30