Warwick Buildings and Energy Committee draft minutes September 16th, 2013, at 6:12 pm August meeting minutes accepted Attending: Jack Cadwell (JC), Dan Dibble (DD), Janice Kurkoski (JK), Steve Kurkoski (SK), Matt Sheldon (MS) Highway Equipment Garage/Salt Shed Fine tune drawings and bid language. The 6" OSB/EPS insulating panels will be installed over 2x6 framing, vertically on the east, west and south walls, and horizontally on the north wall, except above the garage doors behind the rollers, where only 1/2" space is available. An agreement was reached to eliminate the proposed sections of 4" OSB/EPS on the north wall and behind the oil tank due to difficulties with fire-proofing these sections and the added labor cost involved. Some discussion ensued about moldy lumber arriving to the job site, and how this might be avoided. PVRS/Warwick School David Young has invited us to attend the early October meeting with the select-board and the PVRSD Building and Grounds Sub-committee regarding the clarification of capital vs. maintenance expenses. Safety Building JK & SK reported that Ron Gates gave an update about the Safety Building at the Sept 5th select-board mtg. where Ron was asked by the select-board to invite the BEC to the next Firemen's Association Safety Building Committee meeting. We will submit comments and questions prior to that meeting to Ron. He will forward these to the committee. SK pointed out that bringing new residential buildings to "net-zero" adds about 10% in incremental costs over a code-compliant building, but saves that much in energy in the first several years and forever after that. JK said that if the BEC can feel comfortable with the overall plans, then that might open more fund-raising opportunities. Miscellaneous Adjourned 8:37 PM Next meeting will be held in early October in conjunction with the select-board and PVRSD.