Warwick Buildings and Energy Committee Draft Minutes, August 25, 2014, 7:00 p.m. Attending: Jack Cadwell (JC), Dan Dibble (DD), Mary Humphries (MH), Janice Kurkoski (JK), Steve Kurkoski (SK), and Matt Shelton (MS). Meeting opened 7:09 p.m. Minutes of last meeting in July were approved. I. WCS ROOF UPDATE JK reported that the work on the school roof - specifically the gym roof and stage roof - is almost done. School is starting on 8/27/14, and completion of this work may be an issue due to the students being present in and around the buildings. The air sealing at the soffits remains to be done and is critical to the project's success. II. PVRSD AGREEMENT SK gave an update on the progress regarding committees signing on to the PVRSD agreement. Of the nine committees approached at this point, seven have signed. Two of the Northfield committees have indicated that they are not in agreement and won't sign. This has presented a bit of a stumbling block in the process, but more work needs to be done on this issue. Leyden remains, and the Leyden Finance Committee will likely be approached by the Leyden Selectmen. III. GREEN COMMUNITIES David Young has stepped forward and volunteered to be the point person for the Green Community Application process. The deadline for this year's application submission is October 17, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. We have previously reviewed the various criteria which must be fulfilled in the course of this application, but in summary: Criteria #1 and #2 are currently underway by interested parties other than the WBEC. The WBEC needs to focus strongly on Criteria #3 and #5, as we are best suited to undertake these items and explain to our community members what is involved. We need to research this information and be well-informed and able to talk about them. Criteria #3: 20% Reduction Plan/Energy Use Baseline JK has gotten the ball rolling in this area and wants to keep it rolling! We anticipate being able to get support from Guardian Energy in helping us with our 20% Reduction Plan. Maia Benavente is our contact person at Guardian. There is another site visit being organized to inspect the town buildings again. JK said that she would like to see winserts added as part of this criterion if permitted. (As a side, JC reported the installation of three more completely restored windows in the Town Hall. Donnie Hayward does this restoration of the actual sashes of the windows for replacement of inefficient, old windows.) Criteria #3: 20% Reduction Plan/Energy Use Baseline (cont'd.) Inventorying street lights falls into this criterion, and SK has volunteered to head up this part of the process. We need to first determine where all these lights are and find out if some can possibly be turned off. Email to SK any information on these lights that we may be able to determine as we see or drive past them. Criteria #4: Purchase only fuel-efficient vehicles This doesn't really apply to Warwick in terms of town vehicles, so we need to brainstorm different methods to accomplish this same goal. Speed monitor to help drivers be aware of their actual speed? Research other methods. A system for car-pooling could be organized but not necessarily by someone on this committee. Criteria #5: Adopt the new BBRS Stretch Code This is the most challenging criterion and needs to be understood thoroughly by our committee members in order for us to help facilitate its passing at the special Town Meeting being held on September 22, 2014. This meeting is critical, as if the Stretch Code doesn't pass at this point then the October 17th application deadline cannot be obtained. This special meeting and vote are so important that a pre-meeting has been scheduled for September 11th. David Young invited Jim Barry to be at this meeting, and Jim has also offered to be at the September 22nd meeting early (6:00 p.m.) to answer questions. It was interesting to hear MS say that he can't remember the last time he was involved in a building project that didn't involve the stretch code. JK has used the #54 slides from Jim Barry's presentation to design a condensed version of the information and what we need to know. She is planning to ask Ed Lemon to post Jim Barry's presentation as a primer on the town website and also on the L. Our committee needs to familiarize itself with the Q&A document that JK sent to all of us. We need to spread the word with accurate and helpful information. Meetings scheduled: Several additional meetings have been scheduled to help expedite the learning process and the actual application experience in order for Warwick to gain the valuable Green Community designation. These are informational meetings and workshops, as well. 1) Regarding the entire application process and the challenges it presents, JK has found yet another key individual who has offered to help us with the basics of the process. Nan Riebschlaeger and David Young are meeting on Tuesday, August 26th at 1 p.m. along with David Young, DD, JK and SK. Nan will talk about how she helped execute much of Wendell's application. This will be a vital meeting which will present an overview of the entire process. She can tell us how to use Mass Energy Insight, which is an amazing tool that can generate various essential reports. Note: We need to find out what baseline year to use if we do not make this year's deadline. 2) SK posed the question of how we can stay active over the next several months, and it was decided that WBEC members will attend weekly meetings which can be working meetings regarding application questions, etc. JK will post these at the Town Hall. They will be held on consecutive Thursday evenings at 6:45 at the Town Hall starting on September 4, 2014. IV. HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT GARAGE UPDATE This project could also possibly be included in our 20% reduction plan. We will wait until after the Town Meeting, and if the stretch code does not pass we will proceed with the insulation project with new drawings. Meeting adjourned 9:07 p.m.