Warwick Buildings and Energy Committee draft minutes July 24th, 2012, at 6:26 pm (after pot-luck) Attending: Bart Bales, Jack Cadwell, Dan Dibble, Janice Kurkoski, Steve Kurkoski, Jim Toth, June meeting minutes accepted, one abstention WARWICK SCHOOL Energy Savings Agreement: Jim opened by addressing some of the concerns spelled out in the letter from Dayle Dorian last October. Bart is suggesting we run the numbers on how much savings will be realized by the entire district after Warwick is paid off for the work and present this to the district. He suggested that one way to get this project done would be to go through the Green Communities option. There is money available for this sort of work. Janice suggested that where Bart may work for us is to have him measure and verify the saving in the coming years with degree days factored in. Bart feels that with what we have shared with him so far indicates that there could be large savings realized by just putting in new controls. Electrical savings to be realized may make it possible to have National Grid get involved and have them pay for some of this work. Bart has looked at the picture of the snow melting pattern on the gym roof and believes that there are untapped insulation seams on the roof. Jack mentioned that the political issues are much harder to deal with than the construction/building side. A possible way to present this to the district is to have Warwick take 80% of the savings and the district to take the other 20% starting at day one. This would make the time to pay off Warwick longer but the district would realize savings immediately. Steve had suggested an even bigger split - up to 50/50. To reimburse Warwick, PVRS can give us a credit on our yearly assessment from the savings realized. Jack mentioned that we should try to work within the district agreement. Maybe we can write the agreement so that all four towns can do similar projects. Bales Engineering Associates is already pre-approved by the Division of Capital Asset Management (DCAM) and is on the list of approved state-wide facility and energy advisors. Inclusion in this list meets the procurement process for state-wide contracts. Bart feels we need to generate a statement that explains how this proposal benefits Warwick and the District simultaneously. He stated that he can help us as little or as much as we need. Dan would like Bart to put a proposal together for the towns as well as the PVRS school board. We recommend unanimously that the selectboard engage Bales Energy Associates to prepare a framing statement that addresses the recovery of the capital expenses for energy savings construction through operational credits at the Warwick Community School. Janice will call Bart Bales for an estimate on price for this work. Meeting adjourned; 8:45 PM , Next meeting tentatively Tuesday August 28th 6:00 PM