Proposed Agenda Building & Energy Committee Wed, July 23, at 6:00 pm Announcements: Upcoming meeting of the State Ethics Commission, Aug 14th, 10am, at the Town Hall. Patricia Lemon recommends all committee members attend. For discussion & action: * Enter officialdom by signing the letter to become an official committee. * Peggy McLeod from CET (Center for Ecological Technology) can help town energy committees. She can address many issues: clean energy, efficiency, audits, green buildings, funding sources, by-laws. We could hold a public event or have her present to a smaller group (us!). When & with whom do we want her to meet? * We need to produce a FY08 report by 7/31. Janice will write draft and circulate at mtg. &/or e-mail prior * Status of FRCOG ESCo proposal and DOER energy audits - Janice * Status of letter to PVRSD superintendent Dayle - encourage her to join FRCOG ESCo proposal as well as DOER audit program. AI from last meeting: "Janice and Jim will draft a letter concerning the heat problem at school and send it to the original architect and Steve Fields" - Jim * Town Garage tour - how to proceed with weatherization work. * AND FINALLY, the big Town Hall workday July 26th - are we ready?