WARWICK BUILDINGS & ENERGY COMMITTEE MEETING Draft of MINUTES, July 22 2015 Meeting called to order at 7:13 PM by Chairperson JK MEMBERS PRESENT: Jack Cadwell (JC), Dan Dibble (DD), Janice Kurkoski (JK), Steve Kurkoski (SK) Minutes of May 19 mtg. accepted. Green Communities: JK reported that DOER has approved and sent a contract for several projects: Town Hall winserts - Jack will discuss procurement logistics with David Young. Winserts for the Police station await approval but Jack will include these in his discussion. Weatherization for the Town Hall and both highway bldgs. was approved - David will proceed with procurement. Stuff must be cleaned up in TH basement and moved away from walls. David to assign this. Weatherization in Police Station and Library are pending clarification acceptance by DOER later this week. Heat pump for Police Station is pending cost clarification acceptance by DOER. Tech school to install in fall. Other projects: Security light change-outs at Highway - Steve & Janice haven't had time to implement plans agreed upon with Larry. JK will call Larry or David to move projects forward after writing up these plans. Put out the 4 "Green Communities" street signs - JK will ask Larry to install these on existing sign-posts approaching town center. other consciousness raising ideas? Highway Dept.: Equip garage insulation - the wall insulation has been ordered. Kevin Smith has offered to guide the highway crew on installation. Library: A FLIR infrared camera has been purchased. SK will write up an 'easy-to-follow' procedure and Nancy H. will schedule a workshop in the fall. Town Hall: Town Hall hot water- insufficient hot water during large events. SK tested the old 80 gal. tank for pressure and elec. elements - it tested OK. DD will talk to David about getting it hooked up, possibly before Aug.22, initially as a non-heating reservoir that could later be upgraded to heat water if deemed necessary. Steve had submitted drawings and photos to David in the past. Donny Hayward is working on sashes from the offices. SK reported a problem with one sash in the main hall. New members: JK will check with Mary H. and Matt S. about their intentions to continue to serve on this committee and in what aspect. FERC hearing on proposed pipeline, July 29th: JK & JC will collaborate on a both a written and oral statement to FERC as the project pertains to the mission statement of this committee. Next meeting - August 19 (if needed, otherwise Sept 2) Meeting adjourned - 8:43 PM