Warwick Buildings and Energy Committee draft minutes July 13th, 2011, at 6:40 pm Attending: Jack Cadwell, Jim Toth, Janice Kurkoski, Steve Kurkoski, Dan Dibble, Barbara Walker, David Young, Rich Fields May 18th meeting minutes amended and accepted NEW SAFETY BUILDING Brian Miner is trying to contact Peter Russo at National Grid for some engineering help. There is also about $125,000 in Green Community money available, but we would need to become a Green Community first. Perhaps the Fire Dept. could be instrumental in presenting the Green Communities program to our Warwick community. Janice will ask Brian Miner to contact Dennis Lenier at Tully Fire Station to see if any of the funds that helped pay for that project might apply here. TOWN HALL WINDOWS The first set of windows has been rebuilt and installed in the dining room and Jack is satisfied with them. There have been two more sets done and a forth set is in progress. Jack reports that the window frames need to be repaired and repainted. Janice will get Jack some window gasket material. LIBRARY Before doing energy work in the library, there are some issues that need to be addressed, such as mold. Perhaps the proposed energy engineer could help with this. SCHOOL Jim has tried to meet with the PVRS but they have been too busy so far. He will continue to pursue a meeting with them in regards to our proposed energy and conservation changes to the Warwick school building and the ways repairs and capital improvements are paid for. David reported that the town has hired Nate the custodian for the summer, and he could do some small items we come up with. Jim and Janice will generate a to-do list from the energy audit report and copy it to David and the committee. MISCELLANEOUS We discussed making a recommendation to the selectboard that we place an article in the special town meeting this fall asking for money for engineering and building performance assessments for the highway buildings and the library. The committee decided to table further discussion and inform David that we will be voting on this at our next meeting. We will check in with David about the North Quabbin Solar Project: the first phase being a 2MW system at Hunt's farm in Orange. The town can buy into this project by signing a contract to buy elec. from the project at a fixed rate for 10 years, even if we are in a contract with Hampshire Power. This fall there will be a full day "Smart Building" workshop in Athol sponsored by CET. It will be free or nearly free ($25?). The new stretch code will be discussed. This would be a very good meeting for our local builders, tradespeople, architects, etc. to attend. Phil Delory, our building inspector, and John Jackson (Athol Energy Committee) are organizing it. Meeting adjourned; 8:10 Next meeting August 17th 6:30