Warwick Building Energy Committee June 27, 2007 Meeting Minutes Chair Janice Kurkoski called the meeting of the committee to order at 7:00 PM at the Warwick Town Hall. Others present were Dan Dibble, Jim Toth, and Jack Cadwell. Jack lead a discussion on a proposed building systems filing system. Jim noted that portions of such a system exist in the selectboard office but it leaves much to be desired. Jack and Jim planned to review some of the files after the meeting. Efforts will be increased to invite George Day to meet with the committee to explain some of the building systems that he is familiar with in town. A checklist for evaluation of the town's buildings was discussed. Rather than create one from scratch, it was our hope to find one or more existing ones that would useful. Efforts will continue to find them. Janice reported on two conference calls that she has participated in since the last meeting. Of note was the suggestion to use a Energy Service Company to help manage energy issues. Janice was encouraged to complete the on-line Energy Star Portfolio as we can get appropriate data to her. Jim is to contact CSG, the Conservation Services Group, who performs free energy audits for National Grid customers as part of their MassSAVE program. Jim will try and schedule an appointment with Nat Peplinski who was the technician that did a very thorough Audit of Jim's house through the same program several year's ago. CSG contact information is www.csgrp.com 800-234-1307. EPA Energy Star Challenge information was presented by Janice and accepted by Jim to forward to the selectboard for possible action. The committee's mission statement was reviewed and found to still be appropriate. It was decided to have Dan publish the statement in the next community newsletter along with a request to citizens for more members for the committee. The library furnace replacement was discussed and Janice is going to meet with Nancy Hickler to help review energy efficient alternatives. Janice noted that the company EFI sells energy efficient light bulbs and many other products and may be useful source for dimmable compact florescent bulbs that will work in the auditorium (main hall). Janice also discussed the availability of getting the use of a engineer consultant through MTC. It is recommended that we do some initial work prior to engaging the engineer to maximize the benefit. Next month's slogan for the roadside sign by the Metcalf Chapel was discussed and Dan agreed to draw it. It will be something like Get the petroleum out of your food. Buy local produce. Next two meetings are scheduled for July 18 and August 15, 2007. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM Minutes by Jim Toth