Warwick Buildings and Energy Committee draft minutes June 26th, 2012, at 6:39 pm Attending: Jack Cadwell, Dan Dibble, Janice Kurkoski, Steve Kurkoski, Matt Sheldon, April meeting minutes accepted WARWICK SCHOOL Energy Savings Agreement: David has mentioned to Janice that we may have to hire a professional performance contractor to put together the proposal and verify the energy savings each year. David has also been in contact with someone from Leyden concerning school energy issues. Bart Bales has recently contacted Janice concerning the energy plan for the school. Janice mentioned Alan Mulack may also be a good person to do this energy assessment. Some options and ideas to keep us going are; It has been mentioned that we could make an amendment to the PVRS district agreement. Dan mentioned we should define the process to get this done. He feels we should find someone who has been involved in this process for the Gill/Montague agreement and learn from their experience. Dan asked if Janice would contact Clair Chang about the process that they used to get the agreement passed. We could contact Bart concerning helping us with this process. Before the next meeting the committee agreed that each member will review and answer the concerns of the PVRS committee that looked at our proposal. We will share these answers and formalize a written response to their concerns. PVRS letter of comments and concerns; Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 10:22 AM Subject: Ad Hoc committee Good morning Jim - I am writing to inform you of the conclusions of the Ad Hoc committee who met to consider Warwick's request that the institution of financial incentives to individual towns who commit to energy savings capital projects be considered. They met on October 13th to discuss this issue. The group consisted of Paul Luther, Linda Gale, and Bill Wahlstrom (representing the Budget, Building & Grounds, and Policy subcommittees.) Though the concept, on its face seems reasonable, a number of implications for its execution raised concerns for equity and consistency with the district agreement, including: * towns already reap the benefit of energy savings as a result of capital projects consistent with the portion of the operating budget for which they are responsible * how would it be determined what qualities as and "energy efficient" project and what doesn't given the increasingly stringent requirements for green repair and replacement (e.g. is there a distinction between a project taken on purely for energy efficiency and those that are repairs that need to happen anyway and capture some energy efficiency?) * does this concept erode the spirit of the regional structure (four towns throwing their lot together to do the right thing for students and the community) * how can the incentive fairly be calculated and decided for how long * calls into question the current operational practices for division of resources and expenses (School CHOICE revenue perhaps being the most striking example) The Ad Hoc Committee will report to their findings to the full committee at this Thursday's meeting which takes places at the Pearl Rhodes Elementary School starting at 7:30 p.m. Please feel free to join us or to call me if you need more information. Dayle Dayle A. Doiron Superintendent Pioneer Valley Regional School District 97 F. Sumner Turner Rd. Northfield, MA 01360 413-498-2911 (v) 413-498-0045 (f) doirond@pioneervalley.k12.ma.us TOWN HALL Windows: Jack installed several of the finished sashes in the dining hall. Other windows from the kitchen are next. After those are finished, Jack feels some of the windows in the main hall should be done, and maybe the first one in the select board's office. Ventilation: Jack would like to address ventilating the building to make it more comfortable. Jack will activate the data loggers to monitor the heat in the attic. MISCELLANEOUS: Franklin County Home Care Corporation can cover the balance (25%) of the cost insulating a home through the Mass Save program (elderly = over 60). A flyer was posted in the dining hall. Meeting adjourned; 8:10 PM , Next meeting tentatively Tuesday July 24th 6:00 PM