Warwick Buildings and Energy Committee draft minutes June 24th, 2013, at 6:45 pm April meeting minutes accepted Attending: Jack Cadwell (JC), Janice Kurkoski (JK), Steve Kurkoski (SK), Dan Dibble (DD), Mat Sheldon (MS), Jim Toth (JT) Safety Building JK reports that Ron Gates said the plans are still with Bob Leet the engineer. Brian Gale told him he might have the plans back soon. This committee still wants to have a look at the plans before they get too far along. Highway Equipment Garage/Salt Shed JK refreshed our committee with the options/ quotes we have so far. Exterior insulation was discussed for the W. E, and S walls. Extending the drip edge out enough to accommodate the thicker building would be needed in most cases. Metal roofing installed vertically on the outside was discussed. It was mentioned that Tim will be reroofing this building in the near future. The interface with the pedestrian door, the fuel delivery pipe and the electrical service needs to be addressed. Tim was comfortable with interior insulation on the N wall, as long as it follows the contour if the fins. DD stated that we need to find contractors who will give us an estimate for labor for installing foam panels if using, and metal siding. JT suggested asking New Salem what was the process they used to insulate their fire station. JK will contact New Salem. MS will get a rough estimate for the labor involved. PVRS/Warwick School JK will find out when the next PVRS Buildings and Grounds Committee meeting is. Our committee was asked if the shade replacement at the school is a capital or maintenance expense. A question came up for us if there were any shades that do not need to be replaced. The committee is not clear about the definition of capital expense versus maintenance expense. We voted unanimously that it appears that replacement shades would be a maintenance expense. Ideas for a replacement for Jim Toth Try to find a Project related person, ask the selectboard, DD will write a request for the Newsletter and the L, SK will call Pam Kimball. Miscellaneous DD talked with Galen Nelson ( HYPERLINK "mailto:gnelson@masscec.com" gnelson@masscec.com), who works at MassCEC. Some possible projects that Warwick may be eligible for are Wood pellet burners, Resiliency Project-disaster resource area, Solar with advanced energy storage/etc. Adjourned 9:15 PM Next meeting; July 18, Thursday 6PM