Warwick Buildings and Energy Committee Draft Meeting Minutes June 17, 2009 Location: Warwick Town Hall Meeting called to order 6:30 Attending: Janice Kurkoski, Steve Kurkoski, Jim Toth, Jack Cadwell Minutes moved, seconded and passed for May ANNOUNCEMENTS DOER pre energy auditor Tom Bowman of Bowman Engineering looked at all buildings in town. The only building that stayed in the full audit is the town hall. The other buildings are at a lower priority for other considerations, possibly bio mass heating. There are things we can do on our own in those buildings. The town hall has been audited by Bernie Jwaszewski of Bowman Engineering. He also pointed out to Janice a few things that will not be covered by the audit but issues that Warwick could address to decrease the town hall energy use. He also suspects that a great deal of heat escapes out the elevator shaft vent, and he will look into ways to address this. We will give him elevator shaft vent dimensions. Also, Mt. Grace was mentioned as a possible wind site. Warwick may be eligible for help concerning energy issues through the DOER Green Communities Act. TOWN HALL Bid specifications for "air seal and insulate two story town hall wood framed building" has to be ready by July 1st. The General Bid Deadline is July 15. Jim will look at the bid specification and alter language to reflect the issues talked about in our meeting. David pulled the windows out of the painting bid for the town hall. David, Dan and Jack have been working on the painting contract. New storm windows will be easy to put out to bid as they are very specific items to purchase and install. Jack has built a spread sheet numbering all the windows in the town hall. Jack has taken picture of needed repairs at the town hall and will generate a list of the items. Janice has generated a list of items to be addressed at the town hall. Jack will add to this list. Jack has taken photos of many things that need repairing, especially on the exterior of the building. These photos have been e-mailed to the committee. Town Hall repair list so far: General: fix bathroom windows so they can open and seal when lock closed weld better hinges on bulkhead doors so they don't keep breaking make winserts for town clerks office install good working shades in all sunny windows install hardware for shade & shade in Davids' office Attic: repair gable end vent in attic install recording thermometer in attic, or one with remote monitor clean out attic and add staging planks or raised walkways to prepare for insulators and other workers air seal attic chases with cut foam blocks and foam flash chimneys and elevator shaft Basement: install humidity meter in basement air seal ductwork in basement finish foam blocking at band joists in basement check out disconnected duct behind elevator and block as needed Meeting adjourned 8:43 Next Meeting July 7, 6:30