Proposed agenda for WBEC mtg Wed. June 17, 6:30 pm at the Town Hall (Dan will not be there, but congrats to his son!) DOER energy audit progress Suggestions for other town buildings not included in the audit Town Hall repair list Town Hall windows Town Hall elevator - the possible "smoking gun" of energy loss anything else? Susan - unless you have some news, I do not think you need to come to this mtg unless you want to. Dan, FYI - I was in the attic and someone did block the back stage chases with plywood, but did not air seal, and the back-stage chimney was not flashed, only stuffed with fiberglass - kosher but not a good air seal. All - please look at the draft minutes of the last mtg. to see if you did what you said you were going to do. Nothing is life-threatening, but it is there nonetheless. Ciao! Janice K