Warwick Building and Energy Committee Meeting Minutes May 31, 2017 Call to order: 6:20 p.m. Present: Janice Kurkoski, Chair, Steve Kurkoski, Dan Dibble, Jack Cadwell, Mary Humphries Public Comment: Question posed to WBEC members regarding sponsorship of a Choose Solar Initiative in New Salem on June 26th. Members unanimously in favor. Minutes of last meeting were unanimously accepted. Green Corner Ideas: For July, reporting of new heat pumps as the last item of current GC funding. Dan offered to write this article. Janice will send Dan a list of all the projects to date and current incentives for purchasing of heat pumps. Other ideas: heat pump follow-up and winterization of houses. Town Hall ASHPs: General discussion of training, programming and policy. Heat pumps have wall-mounted, seven-day programmable thermostats which can be locked and are password protected. The garage received the pump with wi-fi capability. Good installation of the units. WBEC suggests this policy: regular users should have control over their own space. Discussion of how new heat pump system will impact the steam boiler function. PVRSD: JK and SK attended a tri-town (Bernardston, Northfield and Warwick) meeting three weeks ago with CEE (Clean Energy Extension), Tim Brandl, and Jim Barry. They made a plan to rewrite the current five-year ERP (Energy Reduction Plan) and address how to reduce energy usage in our elementary schools. Numbers and wording will be changed and and new information entered into the system. The towns will be collaborating on this goal. On June 12th Energy Engineer Ben Weil and students will to a wak-through of all the schools. The WBEC voted unanimously in support of rewriting the five-year ERP. GC Projects/Funding: All GC grants going forward are competitive grants. The baseline year = 2013. The WCS is being added to the GC plan. Tim Brandl, PVRSD Facility Mgr., is applying for a META grant for the district. Tim will also arrange for free elec. utility lighting audits for the schools. CEE has interns to input energy use data into the Mass Energy Insight web-based tracking tool. TH attic window: DY has a carpenter who will take care of this. TH winsert repairs & storage: DY will have the same carpenter manage this and place hooks to hang ladder. DY and JC to check all windows (opening/closing). DY and BG are working on cleaning out the basement. JC to talk to DY about which storm windows to save. Misc: Visual skirt to be built around the new compressors. DY will likely have the contractor do this, but JC will talk to DY about something more esthetically pleasing. New fridge is not level, which is causing the gurgling noise. Door pulls too (?) hard to open. Meeting adjourned: 8:07 p.m. Next mtg. TBD