Warwick Energy Committee May 23,2007 Meeting started 7:10 Present: Janice Kurkoski (JK), Steve Kurkoski (SK), Jack Cadwell (JC), Jim Toth (JT). Dan Dibble (DD) present at 7:15 Minutes of meeting of May 9, moved by JT, JK second, voted to accept unanimous Talk about committee name: "Warwick Building Energy Committee", "Warwick Energy Committee".. JK moved name "Warwick Energy Committee", JC second. After some discussion, SK moved "Warwick Building and Energy Committee". JC second, voted unanimous. Mission statement discussion: "The purpose of the Warwick Building and Energy Committee is to assess town buildings and needs, and research options for the Selectboard and Warwick citizens to encourage efficient energy consumption and optimal maintenance of town properties." Take mission statement under consideration for next meeting. JK: Report on EPA conference call last week about how other cities & towns are using the Energy Star Portfolio Manager program to better manage their town buildings' energy use. 75 others on call, all over US. JK announced upcoming MTC conference calls on May 31 and June 14 at 10 am regarding energy issues: 5/31 - "What is an Energy Service Company?", and 6/14 - "Is Wind Energy Appropriate for my Community?". JK reported that it may be possible to get 1 or 2 days with an energy consultant (free!) through the new MTC community pilot program. JK and SK reported about 13 electrical accounts in town; NSTAR will send last two years of energy use for each account to JK. JT handed in school building contact for future notice: Steve Field, building supervisor for PV School District - 413-498-2911 ext 119, fax: 413-498-0045, fields@pioneervalley.k12.ma.us George Day may be a champion to the Town Hall building. ACTION: Dan and Jack may meet with George this month. ACTION: Jack, Dan, and Jim will start to catalogue town hall building systems and use patterns. ACTION: Jack will look for a template to use to record various building systems specifications. ACTION: JT to check with Margaret Sullivan about fuel oil use in town. ACTION: JT to check with Fire Dept, Police, and Town Garage for contacts in each building. ACTION: JT will do publicity for this committee via the Warwick "L" and write an announcement for the next newsletter. ACTION: Jack will post May 23 meeting minutes, and the announcement for the next meeting. Next meeting June 27, 700pm Adjourned 9.15 Minutes by Steve Kurkoski