Warwick Buildings and Energy Committee Draft Meeting Minutes April 15, 2009 Location: Warwick Town Hall Meeting called to order 6:37 Attending: Janice Kurkoski, Steve Kurkoski, Jim Toth, Dan Dibble, Jack Cadwell, Susan Wright Minutes moved, seconded and passed for March ANNOUNCEMENTS Who is going to the UMASS energy summit May 1+2? Janice and Steve are going. Peter Talmage is teaching a deep energy retrofit course at GCC. Home Energy Savings seminar at the Athol town hall will be on May 7. Has anyone read the new Mass. Stretch Building Code? SCHOOL David Young has not heard anything from Siemens about the investment grade audit yet. We are on the Dept. of Energy Resources list to get an audit for the school in 2 to 3 months. We may need to prod Siemens and the DOER a little to get thing going. Should we should have the Warwick students write letters to our reps asking to speed things up? No decision was made on this matter. The audit needs to include the occupant's needs at the school. Susan will ask different users of the building what is and isn't working. Susan reports that the building temperature is not out of balance as much as it used to be. Tim would be a good person to contact to find out what was done to affect this change. Susan asked how much money can they save through conservation. Conservation will make a difference but changes in the power bill will be small because the bill is so large. However, conservation is the best approach for saving money and reducing a carbon footprint and if the entire school is engaged in a conservation effort the results will show on the power bill. It would be good to have a person who knows how the building works. Some suggestions for Susan: put tell-tales on the vents so we can learn the air delivery patterns of the building. Ask the kitchen help if they have a wish list or complaints about the building. How do we involve the kids? Somehow the Foundation for Educational Excellence may be able to help with this matter - can we come up with an idea for a school project? It will be good to know what the elementary school wants from the WBEC. Susan will be added to the WBEC e-mail list. TOWN HALL There is a town warrant article asking for $9,300 ($6,300 for air sealing and insulation and $3,000 for chimney and foundation work). It is suggested that this money is to be "raised & appropriated". There is another article asking for $13,250 to prep & paint or stain the town hall. It is suggested that this money would come from Capital Stabilization. New storm windows on the town clerks office and interior storms (Winserts) would help with saving energy and increase the comfort level in that office. We are back on the DOER list to get a free energy audit for the Town Hall and highway bldgs. (poss fire & police station as well). This may take some prodding to get it done. HIGHWAY Tim reports that his electric bill is down 39%. MISCELLANEOUS Meeting adjourned 8:21 Next Meeting May 20, 6:30