Warwick Buildings and Energy Committee draft minutes March 29th, 2012, at 6:17 pm Attending: Jack Cadwell, Janice Kurkoski, Steve Kurkoski, Matt Sheldon February meeting minutes accepted TOWN HALL Window Sash Repair: Jack reports that Tom Mclaughlin from Brattleboro has received one set of sash from a main hall window, to be rebuilt. Kitchen Hot Water: During the St. Patricks Day event at the town hall the clean up crew ran out of hot water. The suggested fix is in David's hands - see last month minutes. Solar Electric: David has asked Janice to explore buying more solar electric modules for the town hall. Janice checked with Chris of BVPS. Chris pointed out the dormer shadow, which will reduce production, though not as much in an AC output module. Jack will check on what a new system would generate for Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs). Jack will discuss findings with David. Warwick may want to be selling our SRECs to an aggregator for our current system. WARWICK SCHOOL Energy Savings Agreement: The PVRS committee feels our plan goes against the district agreement. Peter Talmage of Northfield Energy Committee reports that they have looked into doing energy conservation work at their school but have also run into the same problems concerning the shared savings with other PVRS towns - no one wants to "share" the benefits. David is making contact with folks in Bernardston and Northfield, Janice has contacted Northfield Energy Committee folks, and Jim Toth has said he will contact folks he knows in Leyden. We should not rush this through, but take the time to develop a common sense approach that could work district-wide. One issue that has been brought up with Warwick putting insulation on the gym roof and a new roof is how will the prices for these two different jobs be kept separate. Matt said it would be easy to differentiate. The committee has voted unanimously to attach the sum of $212,000 to Article 20. We are suggesting that another article be put on the warrant after article 20 stating; Shall the town raise, borrow or appropriate a sum of money for re shingling the school roof? David will determine beforehand if the school roof shows any sign of leaking now, and insert a price for this item. Biomass study: Massachusetts has awarded a contract to Yellowood of VT for a feasibility study for municipal biomass heating. The deadline for the feasibility study application is April 1st. David has filled out an application for the school. Liasion: Jack will contact Tracy Kirley to see if she is interested in being the new school liaison for this committee. Generator: Steve will share a copy of the generator report with the committee when it is finished. MISCELLANEOUS: Stretch Code: It appears that the stretch code will be implemented at the state level in the future. We feel that at this time Warwick should take a "Wait and See" attitude on this issue. Meeting adjourned; 8:24, Next meeting Thursday April 26th 6:00 PM