Warwick Buildings and Energy Committee Draft Meeting Minutes March 18, 2009 Warwick Town Hall Meeting called to order: 6:35 p.m. Attending: Janice Kurkoski, Steve Kurkoski, Les Goodman, Jim Toth, Dan Dibble, Jack Cadwell Minutes moved, seconded and passed for February SCHOOL The next step for us concerning the school is that we need to write a letter to Ellen with cc's to Dale, Gail, Steve, the selectboard and David asking for a liaison person from the school to sit with the WBEC and discuss the school project. This new liaison school person could become a full fledged member through the selectboard, or just a non-voting participant. They could be a school staff person or a parent, etc. If this position was not an official member of the WBEC then the person filling the position could live out of town. David Young would still be the point person for the town. Janice reported that she learned a lot from NESEA's Building Energy conference last week. A Deep Energy Retrofit may be a more appropriate way to approach the school. She reported that Marc Rosenbaum of Energysmiths or Peter Talmage of Talmage Engineering, in Northfield, both P.E.s, may be a better fit for the school. It was asked if Mark or Peter could look at our buildings that are no longer on the ESCO list, and maybe even the school. There was some discussion around the issue of having Siemens go forward with the Investment Grade Audit. We decided to have Siemens continue as planned, and even if we do not have them do the work, the Investment Grade Audit and the accumulated information could be used later by another engineer. We should tell Siemens that we want them to do an audit of the school coming from a Deep Energy Retrofit point of view. David pictures us going through something similar to a self funding ESCO. It was asked if the second round of FRCOG audits would be cheaper. If the Warwick school was in round two then it is likely the district would pay for the audit. It was mentioned that Siemens and Mark may have their own strengths. Janice will call David and ask him to call Siemens to see where we are in the queue. TOWN HALL Do we want to generate a 5 year plan for the Town Hall and give it to the finance committee and selectboard? Yes. We can give the list to the selectboard and they will write the articles as they see fit. David has asked us to make Winserts for the town Clerk's office (4 large windows). Les said OK, and that David should have asked him first. Chris Cody who is a steam guy from Orange, and/or Royal Steam in Gardner may be able to help us with the Town Hall steam system. We will ask David to call them. It was decided to generate a list of what needs to be done at the Town Hall, prioritize it and give it to the selectboard before Monday. The list is as follows, though not in this order: Roof Chimney, foundation, Chimney Cap Air seal, Insulate walls and ceiling Scrape and Paint exterior Steam system, trouble shoot, repair and upgrade Replace storm window and repair window sashes MISCELLANEOUS Royalston has asked if we would mentor an Energy committee for them. We will pass this information off to the North Quabbin Energy Committee, and also tell Nancy Hickler to pass on to whoever it is that is interested that they can ask any of us for guidance at any time. Meeting adjourned: 8:11 p.m. Next Meeting: April 15, 6:30 p.m.