Warwick Buildings and Energy Committee Draft Meeting Minutes, February 4, 2009 Location: Warwick Town Hall Meeting called to order 6:35 Attending: Janice Kurkoski, Steve Kurkoski, Les Goodman, Jim Toth, Dan Dibble, Jack Cadwell Minutes moved, seconded and passed for December. Dan requested a Winsert workshop at the chapel. No date was set. Janice will ask Brian Nugent of the North Quabbin Energy group if he is willing to help. Dan said maybe Michael Humphries can supply wood, then Dan (& others) can pre-make frames. Siemens ESCO Audit: The Fire, Library, Highway departments have been asked to review the results of the Siemens preliminary audit. At this time Nancy stated the library is not interested in the investment grade audit. After reviewing the preliminary audit, the WBEC is recommending that the selectboard does not move forward with an investment grade audit for the Fire, Library, Highway, Police, and Town Hall buildings. The WBEC is recommending that we do move forward with the investment grade audit for the Warwick Community School. Jim will call Roland Butzke at Siemens for investment grade audit paper-work for the school. Jim will go to selectman and present paperwork. It was decided by the committee to focus on the preliminary audit and table discussion concerning WBEC recommendations to department heads. However one item did come up that should be noted and dealt with in a future meeting: The WBEC needs to draft a letter to the Highway Dept. recommending that they have a professional look at balancing the duct work flow and/or downsizing the nozzle on the furnace. Community Gardens: Janice noted that the Mt Grace Land Trust has a grant to help towns form steering committees to look into forming community gardens. Dan said he could look into getting one going in the field behind the chapel if there is enough interest from the people in the center of town, but he did not see the need for getting the Land Trust folks involved. Other private or public fields in town, near clusters of housing such as Moores' pond area, might also benefit from a garden, but it is not the focus of this committee to spearhead this effort. Adjourned 8:12