Warwick Buildings and Energy Committee draft minutes February 23, 2012, at 6:34 pm Attending: Janice Kurkoski, Steve Kurkoski, Matt Sheldon, Dan Dibble, Jack Cadwell, JimToth January meeting minutes accepted TOWN HALL; Window Sash Replacement; Tom Mcloughlin from Brattleboro will be taking a sash to see what is involved in repairing them and then explore working with the town. Don Haywood is still in the picture but David said to go with both guys (Tom and Don) and get the job done. Jack is also considering Lou Powling from Orange to do some of the work. Kitchen Hot Water; Dan report that insulating the pipes will be done in the near future by Ray the janitor. When large dinners are served the kitchen runs out of hot water after 3 to 4 hours of use. Our committee is recommending that the old hot water tank be installed ahead of the current tank to temper the incoming water temperature. This old tank should also have a switch and indicator light in the kitchen. WARWICK SCHOOL; Computer Phantom Load; Steve talked with Cara Cleveland about shutting off the computers in the computer classroom. The plan is shut down all of the computers at the end of the day. Energy Agreement: David Young tells us that PVRS Superintendent Dale Dorian is supportive of an agreement to pay back Warwick for energy-saving capital improvements out of the actual energy savings. The committee has rewritten Article 20 for David as follows. Shall the Town borrow a sum of money to fund energy-saving and building performance improvements at the Warwick Community School, contingent upon approval by all the PVRS member towns of a performance contract agreement one-off variance from the "District Agreement" or take other action related thereto. The committee is also suggesting a new article to follow the above which reads similar to the following: Shall the town raise, borrow or appropriate a sum of money for re shingling the school roof? By having two separate articles it will be clear to the PVRS district that we intend to enter into an agreement with them addressing energy savings only. Some of the remaining $5000 left over from the audit could be used to hire someone to create an accurate energy benchmark and verify energy savings going forward. An 'operator's manual' still needs to be written. Liaison; Jack will contact Tracy Kirley to be the new school liaison for this committee. Generator: Steve will write a report of what Rollie Weld and he found out and repaired on the generator. FIRE DEPT: Winserts: All firemen are busy going through training the next three months. There will be no winsert project at this time New Building: Dan has asked that when framing/sketch plans are available if we could have a copy for our committee to review. Miscellaneous: Stretch Code Article 21: We agreed that we should educate ourselves about the stretch code and discuss it at our next meeting. Announcements: Gallons of oil delivered to date this winter reveals the highway equipment garage to continue to exceed all other town buildings. Mass Municipal Energy Group meeting Thurs March 1, 10 AM in Wilmington, MA Meeting adjourned; 8:32, Next meeting Thursday March 29th 6:00 PM