Draft MINUTES Thurs. 16 Feb 2017 WARWICK BUILDING & ENERGY COMMITTEE MEETING Meeting called to order at 6:08 PM by Chairperson JK MEMBERS PRESENT: Dan Dibble (DD), Janice Kurkoski (JK), Steve Kurkoski (SK) Jack Cadwell (JC) Minutes of last mtg accepted unanimously March Green Corner; JC doesn't feel he has enough solar production data at this time to write this month's GC, maybe April or May. Discussion followed about what could be in this month's GC. JK offered to compile an article with suggestions to include current incentive programs from the Fed. State & power co. for solar and air-air heat pumps. It was suggested to include a "heads up" to those considering solar that policies will change in June so time is short - do it soon. New School ad hoc committee; Selectboard has appointed Dawn Magi, Alan Genovese & Sue O'Reilly-McRae. This might be an opportunity to re-write the District Agreement & David Young (DY) will let the committee know if energy/cost sharing options are under review so we can have input. Mary Humphries (MH) will check on issues re; gym fans/ice dams & heating imbalances at the WCS. Steve will call Sue - she had asked for, and was given, a copy of the latest version of the PVRSD Town Energy Agreement (rev 11). Status of Green Communities Grant Projects; - Town Hall heat pumps, Highway Garage heat pump and security lights: DY wants to proceed with four (4) individual heat pumps for the four offices in the front of the TH. He is leaning toward a "set-&-forget" at a low power rather than an internet accessible adaptor. Installation is still to be determined. Heat pumps for the main hall and dining area were also discussed. Significant Mass CEC rebates will apply to each unit installed. DY would like to buy the equipment before the July 1 deadline for Green Corner funds and schedule the Tech School for installation if they can do it this semester. Janice has contacted the HVAC instructor but has not heard back yet. DY is looking at alternate ways of working within the State bidding laws; possibly hiring a Town electrician, a Town plumber, a Town HVAC person. DY is asking for a list of possible contractors from the committee. Wing plow; DY is still in favor of a wing plow for a highway dept. truck to eliminate the need for tandem plowing on main roads and wants to use Green Communities $ for this. Much discussion followed and consensus was that the committee did not think it addressed energy savings guidelines sufficiently to warrant the use of Green Community funds. It didn't seem the reduction in fuel usage would be very significant even though highway energy use is biggest Town energy budget item. It is also unlikely that DOER would approve of the project, given the small amount of energy saved vs. the cost, and the hassle of applying to fund a project that was not in our original ERP (Energy Reduction Plan). . Steve volunteered to call Donnie Matthews who has a wing plow. Larry continues to explore options and we will consider his opinions and results. The committee is in favor of an anti-idle adaptor for the pay-loader. Ceiling Fans for the main hall are on the Tech School schedule, hopefully soon. The committee STRONGLY RECOMMENDS the units be ENERGY STAR RATED and with control options. NEXT MEETING TBD Meeting adjourned 8:03 PM