Warwick Building &Energy Committee Mtg 1/05/2015 Draft minutes Mtg called to order at 2:10 PM Members present: Janice Kurkoski, chair, Steve Kurkoski, Jack Cadwell, Dan Dibble others - David Young, Dave Shoemaker Advice to Selectboard on proposed Soltas settlement - David Y presented three options. The committee does not have an informed decision, but acknowledges the latest advice from the MA Attorney General's office not to accept the current settlement offer. Town Hall - Dan presented a request for the Board of Health to use GC funds for a new energy efficient fridge and cook-stove and that FCHCC can subsidize up to 50% of the cost. A discussion ensued around a new fridge that is on at all times vs. the current method of using it only when needed. GC funds must be used to reduce energy consumption, so this may not pan out. JK noted that new electric stoves are probably not much different as far as energy use. Winserts for library, Town Hall, Police Station, and Fire Station - Janice reported that Michael Humphries made one test frame for the library, and it fits well. Janice & Steve reported some historical problems with the spline method of film application, so Jack will update a section drawing to use the wrap method instead. Dan will get in touch with Michael regarding frame stock. Janice pointed to the Table 4 GC application that lists our cost estimates submitted for winserts for each building. Wireless T-stats in all appropriate buildings - proposed police station and Town hall heat pumps may include this - no further discussion. Security light change-outs at Highway Dept. & Fire/Police Dept. areas - David S. reported that the motion actuated security lighting at the police station is inadequate and requested that something be done soon. Steve offered to examine the current system and look into the parts needed to supply adequate lighting and reduce energy consumption near to what was proposed in the Green Communities application. Highway Equipment Garage wall insulation - waiting for highway crew to build storage shed. Weatherization in library, both Highway buildings, Town Hall, and Police Station - Guardian Energy estimates for the work to be done by Energia are in the Guardian report and in Table 4 of the GC application. Guardian has added admin costs but will save us going out to bid, as Guardian is an approved Project Expediter with National Grid. David Young with consult with Guardian. Heat pump for Police Station - David S. said that the Tech School students under Todd Weed are interested in this project. Janice stated that we do not need to wait until the building is weatherized to shop for the appropriately sized heat pump. Insulate transfer station equipment - David Y reported that the paper compacter is broken due to a wire off at the pump. No further discussion ensued on insulating this equipment or investigating the heater controls, which are suspect. Meeting adjourned at 3:44 PM Draft submitted by Janice Kurkoski