DRAFT MINUTES WED. DEC 16, 2015 WARWICK BUILDING & ENERGY COMMITTEE MEETING Meeting called to order at 6:12 PM by Chairperson JK MEMBERS PRESENT: Jack Cadwell (JC),Dan Dibble (DD), Mary Humphries (MH), Janice Kurkoski (JK), Steve Kurkoski (SK) Minutes of last mtg accepted Discussed future "Green Corner" articles and formats; question & answer, helpful household conservation hints, inviting questions/hints from readers GREEN COMMUNITIES GRANT 1) "Winserts" for Police station were built & installed thanks to David Koester (DK) and daughter Lucy. 2) DK has materials for Town Hall "winserts". JC will revise and forward detailed drawings to DK. 3) Library weatherization is close to being completed. Old insulation was greatly compromised by animals which explains the ice damming and water damage over the librarian's circulation desk. JK & SK met with the library trustees to update them on the progress and gave them a "punch list" of work beyond the scope of this project. 4) SK & JK have been working ahead of the Energia crew to facilitate their work on the Town Hall; removing & re-installing clapboards, surveying walls with the infrared camera to find areas needing more insulation. JK has been doing air sealing in the main hall. 5) Tech students have finished their work installing heat pumps for the Police station. OTHER BUSINESS HIGHWAY DEPT. Storage shed is being built. When finished, wall insulation can begin in the equipment garage. Kevin Smith has offered to help get this project started. TOWN HALL HOT WATER Lack of hot water in the kitchen seems to have been addressed by putting up signs near the dishwasher. The basement is warmer since foaming the upper walls. Some further pipe insulation might be worth doing. BOARDROOM WINDOWS Don Hayward is repairing/rebuilding these. FERC/PIPELINE Discussed filing for "Intervener" status with FERC on the NED Pipeline project. SK moved, MH 2nd "To authorize JK to draft letter of application for WBEC to be granted intervener status for NED Pipeline project." Board also authorized JK to write letter of support for Conservation Law Foundation effort to pressure MA DEP to issue regs in accordance with GWSA, if she has time. NEXT MEETING WED., JAN 20 6 PM Meeting adjourned 8:05 PM