Warwick Building and Energy Committee Meeting Minutes December 15, 2016 Call to order: 6:09 p.m. Present: Janice Kurkoski, Chair, Steve Kurkoski, Jack Cadwell, Dan Dibble, and Mary Humphries Public Comment: None Minutes of our last two meetings were approved by consensus. Green Corner - The January Green Corner topic of NativeEnergy (carbon offsets) was agreed upon and discussed in detail. Important to relate ease of website use and how information and choices are set forth in basic terms. How do offsets work? - GC ideas for Feb/Mar were also discussed. Jack offered to submit an article on the positive experience of his solar project for the March newsletter. Janice will email to the committee the spreadsheet on Warwick residents who have installed solar panels, and we will try to add up total kW output for the town. Janice will also keep the committee informed as to DOER legislation issues regarding replacement of the SREC program. GC Annual Report - Submitted! Thank-you, Janice! Overall figures showed that the total town energy use is down by less than 10%, with the goal being a 20% decrease at the end of FY2018. The area needing work is our vehicle fuel use which showed an increase. Various possibilities were discussed including David Young's idea of purchasing a wing snow plow in order to use only one vehicle instead of tandem plowing; essentially cutting town plowing in half. David has requested the committee's feedback on this idea. The DOER would need to approve. Review of other GC projects to be done with the balance of our Green Communities money, which is roughly $50K. Heat pumps (for Highway Building and Town Hall offices) and Town Hall ceiling fan installation will require roughly $30K. School energy use improvements? Electric vehicle charging station? Speed-sensing sign? GC Projects - Review of bids for heat pump installation. The one submission by Royal Steam leaves some questions as to suitability, so we have gone out to bid again. Janice will send us the specifics of what we're looking for in this heat pump project. The Highway Building security light project is still pending. We are now taking the written plan from two years ago and submitting it to the Tech School. There is a possibility that the school could also do the heat pump for garage office. Town Hall Issues - Janice put back the winserts in the main hall of the Town Hall and discovered that the finger joints have failed. She determined that there is no danger from them falling out, but this problem needs to be addressed. Pros and cons of repair versus total re-do. It was decided that we will first look into repairing the existing winserts. She also put the Town Hall storm windows down. Perhaps more important than the winsert issue is the question as to why the storm windows had not previously been put down, given that it is mid-December? Next meeting: Thursday, February 16, 2017 6:00-7:30 pm Divest Warwick to be on that agenda. Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted: Mary Humphries