Warwick Buildings and Energy Committee Draft Meeting Minutes: December 13, 2010 Location: Warwick Town Hall, Meeting called to order 6:44 Attending: Janice Kurkoski, Steve Kurkoski, Jim Toth, Jack Cadwell, Dan Dibble, Barbara Walker Minutes for November have been accepted. TOWN HALL Solar system - The system in now installed with a new data logger. The data logger draws about 15 watts. Steve will investigate what our options are to turn this off and save electricity. Janice will ask David to write a "thank you" in the next newsletter to all those who donated their time and/or materials so that a sixth solar panel could be added to the system. Winserts - Shades are behind some of the winserts in the Town hall offices. The committee voted to ask David to have someone move the shades forward so they can be used when needed. Dan will contact David. Tech. School - David is having the Tech. School install a Gen-Tran switch next to the load center in the basement for critical electrical circuits. They may also be installing a 240V-30A circuit for the cooling station. Kitchen Fan - We discussed different options for a new exhaust system. Hand Dryer - Option discussed are paper towels, paper rolls, high speed fan unit. One issue with the high speed unit may be noise. David has not moved on this issue yet. Soap dispensers - these should eventually be changed to dispense foam soap. Electric heat in the kitchen bathroom - an option is a timer set at a maximum of two hours to stop use when it is not needed. Thermostat batteries - Batteries have been changed out in both thermostats with new ones (Steve K did it). This should be done each year before the heating season by someone to avert an emergency changeout. WARWICK COMMUNITY SCHOOL Building performance audit - Keith Abbott's proposal was discussed. Jim ran down the highlights of the proposal for the committee. This is the only proposal that we have received and it is under the $10,000 cap. Janice reports that Gill has a deal with the school district to address work done on their school. Jack was at the walk through and has a good feeling about Keith and his expertise. Do we want to ask Keith to adjust his proposal to address more issues on our list. It was voted unanimously in the affirmative to have the selectboard write up a contract with Keith Abbott to perform the scope of work that is in his proposal. There are concerns about the repairing the thermal envelope integrity that has been breeched by the sprinkler crew. Our suggestion is to have David coordinate with Keith and have suitable emergency repairs done immediately. Janice will call CET again to see if any funding is available. Data Loggers - Jack and Steve will try to get these installed soon. MISCELLLANEOUS Meeting adjourned 8:22 Next Meeting: February 2 at 6:30 pm.