Warwick Buildings and Energy Committee Draft Meeting Minutes: October 20, 2010 Location: Warwick Town Hall, Meeting called to order 6:33 Attending: Janice Kurkoski, Steve Kurkoski, Jim Toth, Jack Cadwell, Dan Dibble, Les Goodman, Barbara Walker, Keith Abbott representing Energy Audits and Consulting, Reggie Amidon representing Thermal House Minutes for August have been accepted. TOWN HALL Solar system - it may be installed as early as the first week in November. It was decided to locate the revenue grade meter in the lobby to the left of the fire alarm panel. The module configuration will have to be decided before the modules are installed on the roof. Winserts - at this time there are no plans to work on the winserts for the upstairs town hall. Storm Windows - Jack is working on the storm window order with David. The contractor who installed the last set of storms is no longer in business. A possible contractor is Carbone in Keene. WARWICK COMMUNITY SCHOOL Data Loggers - Jack and Steve will redeploy data loggers in the occupied space in November. Building Performance Audit - Attending: Keith Abbott representing Energy Audits and Consulting Reggie Amidon representing Thermal House Jim read the solicitation, gave an update on the sprinkler system and a history of the relation ship of Warwick and PVRS concerning the ESCO's. We may have $10 - $20K for some work. David is working on some funding for the school. This is not a sealed bid so there is room to talk about issues that arise that we have not discussed yet. Jim will call Cozy Home and Beyond Green to see if they are still interested.. Keith Abbott has done a lot of work on public buildings. He asked if there was state money still available for this project. He is recommending that we find out what is not working and then fix it. He is also recommending that we do some basic tests, such as a blower door test, air exchange test, infrared thermography, checking the distribution efficiency and energy modeling with TREAT software. A ball park cost for energy modeling would be $4000 - $5000. He wants to take a look at the building and determine what is the best methodology to repair the building. He will asses the building in terms of energy consumption. If Warwick wants an electrical audit the he would call in a subcontractor. To put in a proposal he wants to look at the building and talk with some school personnel. Barbara reported uneven heating in the entire building since it was built and large icicles in the back of the school. Jack noted that Warwick owns the building and the school district rents it. It is not clear who is responsible for work such as this, where normally the town pays for capital improvements and the district shares the benefit of reduced operating costs. Janice will send an energy usage spread sheet to Keith and contact David about setting a date with Keith, Steve Field, and Nathan (the custodian) to view the building. Meeting adjourned 8:10 Next Meeting: November 17 @ 6:30